Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Sydney's P.O.V*

(I do apologize that I'm not using Niall's POV I just feel it will be more beneficial to be in Sydney's POV considering Niall just repeats the same thing on where he stands. I would hate to be tedious)

"Syd, you finished?" Niall inquired pushing the door open. I let out a squeak/screech sound trying to cover up my top half. My leggings were already on but that didn't make the fact that Niall had just intruded into the bedroom seeing my top half. I can't blame him; it is his home. I came right into the residence of his home uninvited well - sort of - but needless to say I could have stayed with my malicious Aunt until a work offer came around. Unfortunately I would have probably ended up being her occupational assistant or something. In other words I would be waiting on her every need. My thoughts had some what traveled to a distant place as Niall covered his eyes like a little eight year old boy.

"I was just startled; you don't have to act like its nothing you've seen before," I scoffed.

"I know. But I don't want to be like Harry raking you're body and all."

"I feel a bit offended." I laughed. "Is my body that bad?" He uncovered his eyes seeing I now had a tank top over my bra.

"No, No. You have a lovely body. I just don't want to be like Harry."

"Well, you're not." I stepped foreword hanging a maroon cardigan over the tank top. I pressed my finger onto his mid chest climbing it up his torso, "You're much better." I smiled before slipping past him. I heard him suck in air and release it as I escaped to the bathroom. It was quite humorous to see the effect I had on him. In sexual tension of course. We haven't kissed in nearly two months and to be completely honest I missed it. I missed him and his soft plush lips. I missed how he would grip onto my thighs when I would yank on his bleached locks. All of these thoughts distracted me as I attempted to put on eye liner.

"I don't know much about girls make up. But I'm pretty sure its supposed to be in a straight line," He chuckles coming next to me. He swiveled his body and hopped his bottom onto the counter. He focused on me intently as I wiped it off and tried again. He grabbed my wrist pulling the eye liner away from my face. "You don't need that crap. Trust me; you look much better without it," He replies honestly.

"Glad to know make up makes me look bad," I teased throwing it back into my bag. I pulled a brush through my hair as Niall needlessly apologized for his banter. I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen, Niall following right behind me. "So who's car are we taking?" I inquired reaching for my car keys on the counter top.

"I'll be driving mine." He shrugged. "You could join me unless you're stubborn inner self disagrees,"

"That could be arranged," I spoke crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come on," He motions his hand out towards mine. I agreed to take it as he folded our fingers together. Sparks shot up my forearm causing goose bumps to rise all up my arms. Niall questioned if I was cold as we got into his car and I nodded to cover up my nervousness. He was the reason for that. My heart racked in my chest as he turned on the radio. The sounds of The Fray had surrounded us. The song never say never made me nod my head to the piano. I wasn't accustomed to such a slow sound but it grew on me for it was one of Niall's favorites. Niall's left hand continued to be intertwined with mine as we drove along the endless streets. It felt normal like we were supposed to be like this. But at the same time when people usually referred to best friends I wouldn't think holding hands like people in love came to mind. Either way I was enjoying it.

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