"Did you say glimmery ash?" I ask

"Indeed I did."

"I thought it was glitter. Why glimmery ash?"

"Because you're shedding all of your old feelings. But you were so hell bent on James not touching you, it's going to take a long time for the hate to go away." Eva joked.

"Eva. I love you a lot, but how do I get out of here."

"Well you're a strong girl. You have to kill your biggest fear, it won't come near me."

"My biggest fear? Eva I don't have a biggest fear." I look around and she's gone. "Eva?" I ask, but no answer. "I don't have a biggest fear." I whisper to myself.

"Baby. You're in your head. You don't need to lie to anyone or yourself anymore." I recognize the voice, but I can't see anything. "You look lost babe, how can you not tell its me..." he paused for a moment. "let me shine some light on this dark situation." I heard a snap and light shown right above him. "Is that any way to look at your mate?"



I hold her hand. Everything has been good for the passed twenty minutes.

I decide to lay by her side, hoping that she'd have better health. But doc, said to not, in case she has another attach.

"She'll be fine."

"Are you sure about that?" I ask.

"Think positive James." Doc says.
He started checking her monitor.  And writing down different numbers and letters.

I see a guy being thrown across the hall. Then someone yells. "Touch me one more fucking time I will tear you limb by limb." I recognize that voice. Alpha. Bitchy. My uncle.

"Sir, I understand that you are mad, but please settle down." Some guy said, but my uncle never liked using his words, and pushed him to the ground.

"I'm just looking for my nephew!" He yelled. Knowing he was referring to me, I reluctantly got out of bed with Estelle.

I open the door and he was standing there, looking highly pissed. "Where is Jake and Janel?"

Something told me he already knew. I just never bothered to call and tell him the great news. "Uh, Uncle Dre... they're dead." I say trying to sound as sympathetic as I could.

"I know that. What? You think I'm stupid? I know that, but where are their bodies!?" He asks.

"Oh see... we burn the bodies..." I say.

"Where are the ashes?"

"In the ground."

"So they wont come back?" He asks hopefully.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING COMING IN HERE LIKE YOUR IRON MAN AND TOSSING MY PACK MEMBERS AROUND HERE!" Ethan yelled. I did forget to mention that Ethan had his ceremony and he's the alpha now.

"Listen pup, I do what ever the hell I want. So get the fuck out of my way and let me talk to my nephew. " Ethan was mad but I mouthed for him to chill, knowing how my uncle can get sometimes... most times.

"You need to take over my pack. I'm losing my edge without your aunt. I went from having the most scariest pack in the world to a big fat ass joke. Take over."

"Uncle Dre. I said I'll think about it. Plus Estelle is in the hospital." I answer.

"I hate to intervene, but did you know of her pregnancy?" Doc asks me.

"Uh, Yeah." I answer him.

"So I did some blood tests showed that the baby is yours, but it's not usual the baby has cancerous cell when the carrier can't get it. I hate to break the news but, if Estelle lives shes going to give birth to a still born."

"Still born?" Victor asks.

Doc sighs heavily. "That means she'll give birth to a dead baby."

There was a dead silence. I don't understand. Today is not my day. Not even close. I hear a flat line beep and I hope to the Goddess that it's not Estelle's machine. But the quick absence of the doctor tells me otherwise.

"She's going into cardiac arrest!" He yelled. Only milliseconds later two nurses and another doctor shoves me, my uncle, and Victor out of the way, and rushed into Estelles room.

"What's cardiac arrest?" Victor asks.

"She's having a heart attack!" I yell not knowing what to do, having this be the last this I want. I punch in the glass window with my bad arm, but with the same arm I punch Victor. Everything fades into black.

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