Chrom X Tsundere Reader

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Um this is for ThatCuteSylveon cause she wanted me to do this for a while so here it is.

(Y/N)s POV

I am just peacefully drawing in my sketch book when my my friend Samus, who has a crush on Robin, grabs and pulls me along.

  "Come on!! Robin is about to fight!!!"

I groan but get pulled away towards the fight, dropping my sketch book in the process, but Samus wont let me go back and get it.


(Ok so lets pretend that Robin is new pretty much and has never used his Smash attack yet, the video is what is happening BTW)


Samus keeps slaps my thigh, "OMG LOOK OMG OMG."

"Samus chill out!!"


"Oh god." *facepalms*


*Robin uses Smash*


Who was that?


Robin wins the battle and everyone claps and congrats him.

I however start to go off to get my Sketch Book.

When I get there it's gone.


I push back my hair and start to walk away, looking for a my sketchbook.


It's been two days since I lost my sketch book and I think I'm gonna go crazy.

I walk outside and start heading towards my favorite tree, but I can't. There is some Blue haired boy at my tree, he's holding some kind of sketch- 

He has MY book!

 "Excuse me?"

He looks up," Yes?"

 "Yea thats mine." I point at the sketchbook.

He stands up," I'm sorry! I just found it on the floor the other day and I was trying to find out who it was but it had no name!"

I grab my book, flipping through the book making sure everything is there. I sigh when I realize everything is. I nod at the strange blue haired boy and start to walk away when he catches my wrist.

His hand is warm, I think.

I look at him and he blushes a little, " Um I liked your drawing Miss..?

"(Y/N). And what's yours?"

He smiles and says," Chrom."

I nod. 

"Bye Chrom."

He smiles, "Bye (Y/N)."


Hey Guys so I hope you liked it! I know it's different and I dont know I didnt like it as much as my other one's. 

Do you think I should do a part two?


(Jk not done xD)


Chrom: " Maggie what are you doing?"

Maggie: *Hanging upside down from monkey bars on a Iphone* "Oh Hey Chrom, Just writing."

Chrom: "Like that?"

Maggie: *grins.*

Chrom: "Yea okay." *Laughs*

Maggie: *falls off monkey bars, laughing*

Chrom: "Wow, you okay?"

Maggie: *Nods, Laughing* "See ya next time everyone!"

Chrom: *Waves, helping me up.*

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