Then and now~Robin X Reader

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  (Y/N)s P.O.V.

 Today was going to be my first day, my first day in smashville my first day as the newest member of the new Smash game. I got invited because they liked my sword and tomes. I was pretty good I guess. I lived by myself anyway so it's no big deal of moms and dads saying NO. Anyways, I'm moving in. I grab my boxes and start to bring then into the house they built for me it's open concept and has an amazing sky view plus they put a little staircase that leads to the roof from my room, so I can go out. It's really pretty actually. Well now I guess I have to go to my opening. I already know what I'll do for showing my moves. I walk to the arena and sneak backstage. They said nobody know the new person is and it will be a surprise. I go back and head toward the stage. I go there and and get ready. They announce me and I walk out and smile. I grab my sword and do a cool swing I made myself, afterwards a grab my fire, water, an lightning tomes and use them all. They swirl in a circle upwards and I throw my sword up into it. The sword flings back down and I catch it. The tomes end and I strike my signature pose. I grin and look at all the astonished faces. After all the "parting". We all start to leave. I start to walk to my house and get stopped by a white haired boy," that was awesome!!"he says. I smile and thank him. Idk how it happened but we became friends 4 MONTHS LATER Me and the boy who I learned that his name was robin, became friends and I even showed him some of my moves, but I might have a problem. I have a teensy crush on him,, OK fine you caught me I have a huge crush on him. One problem, I dont wanna ruin our friendship or anything. He's my only friend and I would be kinda alone. Anyways Robin wanted me to meet him at out hideout(There is a cave behind the waterfall) in a hour. I grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my (FAVORITE BAND)Band shirt and my red flannel plaid shirt. I change and grab my bag with my sword and tomes. I look at the clock. 30 minutes to get there. I run out the door and start the 20 minute walk there. I keep walking on until finally I get to the waterfall. It's roaring really loudly. I go the special way behind the waterfall and walk in feeling a little chilly. I see Robin sitting in there on our rock. I smile and say Hi. He jumped. I giggle. "Hey Robin what's up?" he stands up and he looks nervous. "Um-um I-I I LOVE YOU!"He says and starts to run away out of the cave. I grab his arm and he stops still is turned around. I turn him around and look into his eyes. I pull him down and lightly kiss his soft pink lips. I pull away and look up at him. He looks back shocked," Y-Y You like me back?" I nod and smile. He leans down and kisses me again,"Will you be m-my girl-girlfriend?" I grin and jump up and hug him."Yes!" We both smile. Finally we both go back. 

Me: *sits in corner and smiles*                                                                                                                                 Robin:"What's up Maggie Chan?"                                                                                                                           Me:"Oh nothing just writing."                                                                                                                             Robin:"Writing what?"                                                                                                                                       Me:"Oh Um Fanfictions?"                                                                                                                                     Robin:"Oh UM Cool."                                                                                                                                           Me:"Yea. Well later."                                                                                                                                       Robin:"Yea see ya."                                                                                                                                         Me:*waves bye*                                                                                                                                           Robin:*walks away* 



~Author-chan AKA Maggie Chan

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