I'll Always Protect you, Dark Pit X Reader

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(Y/N)s P.O.V.

I sit in the corner and cry. I was tired of getting picked on, it's not my fault I was a girl version of dark pit!! We had mostly same story line but, I'm from a different family, so were not related. Which makes it even worse because nobody cares. I have no friends at all and pretty much everyone bullies me. They always say I'm a copy cat or stay away or something like that they bruise and cut me.

I hear someone walking down the hall and scrunch up more. I keep hearing the steps until I see someone stop right in front of me. I slowly look up in fear. Dark Pit. I scrunch back up. "(Y/N)? Why are you crying?"he says. I look up with my bloodshot eyes and pull up my shirt a little turning around showing the bruises and cuts. He gasps. I turn back around and put my wings down. He looks at me with sympathy and bends down. "Don't tell anyone k?"he says. I nod. He picks me up and carries me carefully to his room, unlocks it, and sets me down on his bed. He goes to his bathroom and comes back with bandages and cleaners. He tells me to turn around an lift my shirt. I do. He starts to clean my cuts and it stings REALLY BAD. Once he finishes he bandages me up and smiles,"done." I wince and put my shirt done and look up at him. "Wh-why did you help m-me?"I say. "well I um I-I-I LIKE YOU OKAY!"Dark Pit says while blushing. "B-but why would you like m-me? I'm just someone who stole your costume.I'm useless."I say as look down. I feel a hand lift my chin up and Dark Pit looking into my eyes and he says,"Your not useless! Your not perfect but thats what I love, you may not be perfect but I-I love you ok?" I start to cry and hug Dark Pit. I fall asleep in his arms but right before i do I hear a "I'll Always Protect You."

Me: DON'T HURT ME PLZZZZ!!! Iv'e meant to update but Iv'e been busy!

Dark Pit: *pops up*

Me: Dark Pit! Tel them iv'e meant

Dark Pit: Idk Idc 

Me: *glares*

Dark Pit: *Shrugs*

Me: Well anyway guys Iv'e updated so byeeeeeee, I'll update again later! Now Dark Pit, I know your secret....

Dark Pit: What secret?

Me: Your actually nice!

Dark Pit: N-NO IM NOT *runs away*

Me: Bye guys!

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