The Library

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I am going to be hired by the owner of the bookstore. So i am going to be a librarian. I love reading books... I prepared my self for the first day. I showered put on my jeans and T-shirt. Grabbed my bag, ate my breakfast, toothbrush and ready to go. I got into my car and zoomed to the library. As i walk in the library i saw lots of books placed on big shelves. Woah. I walk down each and every halls. But then i saw a handsome guy with Dirty Blonde hair.

"Um...Who...Are you?" I asked. The man responded "Is that how you treat people? By the way please to meet you. Im the owner of this library." We shaked hands." Please forgive me Sir, i don't mean to do that." I replied.

"Oh please call me Thomas." He responded." Pleasure to meet you Sir...I mean Thomas.." i said. seconds have passed i forgot to mention my name." Oh how rude of me. My name is Y/N. Sorry. I forgot to say my name." I said." Its ok Love, its fine. Please to meet you. Pretty nice name by the way..." he replied. I smiled

We stared for 1 minute,after that we shook our heads in unison." Im so sorry." We both said in unison." Oh what a coincidence." We both replied in unison. Again.

"Bloody hell." He said.

"LOL..." I said.

"Awkward..." I murmured." Well then..I need to go. The library with open soon." Thomas said. As he started to walked away i quickly said "Wait! What am i gonna do?"

"Oh right. I Bloody forgot love. Your gonna be reading a book in front of the children this 3:00. Its their decision. Because they might get bored. And also. Make sure they would understand what your saying ok? Don't Bloody eat your words.. " He replied. We both chuckled in unison.

"Ok thank you Sir...I mean Thomas..." I said. He smiled. Minutes later, the library was open. People are already there. At the halls, tables, sitting at the floor, studying. While i got the at the front desk doing nothing. Just reading the book i bring. The Maze Runner. As i kept reading i also check the time every five minutes. Finally it was 3:00. I prepared myself and walked up to the room filled with 15 kids.

"Ok so...What should we read?" I  asked. A cute girl handed me a book. Its called 'Phantom Halo'. This sounds interesting. I opened the book revealing the first page. I began reading and not eat my words.... Thats what Thomas said..

All the kids were listening. While i sat in a chair in front of them and read out loudly. As i turned the last page on i read and read until i was finished reading. I slowly closed the book and smiled at the very last part.

"Ok kids, reading time is over. Did you enjoy?" I  asked." Yes!" They all said in unison.

All of them went out already. I sat down one of the couches on the sides and tried to read the book "Phantom Halo" all over again."Phantom Halo...." i murmured. Suddenly some said " thats my favorite book." When i turned my head straight  it was Thomas..

"Hi Thomas.." I said." Hello" He replied. He sat down beside me and started talking about the book. I understand it more clearly "Ah....Thats a Bloody good book. You don't have a Bloody mistake by liking that book though..." I said." It really is a Bloody good book." He responded. Suddenly we heard a voice." Hey Tommy you ok?" She  said. We looked at her.

"Yeah im fine.." Thomas said. She smiled. Oh no. Its Thomas's Girlfriend. My heart broke in to two. But i cant be in love with the owner. He doesn't even like me because he has a Girlfriend. His girlfriend is really beautiful than me. So..The is no choice." So.. You must be Thomas's Girlfriend?" I said. Thomas nearly choked.

"'s just a friend... I don't have any girlfriend." He responded. Yey .he doesn't have one! But i cant have him though...  i can see a hurt look on the girl's eyes." Im Y/N..." I said." Vanessa.." She responded. I need to admit it. She is a slut. Look at that. Short jeans almost like panties. And super short crop top..5 inch killer heels.... Buy really...I need to be nice..

"Nice to meet you, love.." I said." No offence but, are you lesbian? Why do you call me love?" She said with a disgust tone." Oh im not a lesbian. Trust me love. Thats a term we use in Britain..." I replied. She is so rude...." Ok...So?" She said with a slutty voice now." Ok...Ness could you please stop it? Could you be once nice to a person? Yea. You are really nice to me...But can you be nice to Y/N? You drive her crazy..." Thomas said." What? Babe...." Vanessa spoke innocently.

"Oh please... is not like your my Girlfriend...Just stop it ok? If you cant be nice just go out. Go at the front desk and guard there.." Thomas said. Whew..."Fine..." Vanessa replied. With that she walked away.

"Sorry about that Y/N..." Thomas said." Nah its ok..There's nothing to worry about except you two.." i said. We both chuckled. "So um...I know this is weird because we just met today...But um..ah..Willyougooutwithme?" He said the last part unclear." Pardon me?" I asked." Will you go out with me?" He  asked again. This is so happening. First i had my eyebrows crunched jokingly which caused him to be sad. But i said "Yeah .sure! Why not? "

So second thoughts...He had a smile plastered on his face...suddenly he quickly kiss me on my lips..Just one second though... I blushed. And smiled. I hugged him tightly and he doesn't seem to like it because its too tight. But he can get over it i know. I released him now and he sighed heavily which cause me to pout cause he doesn't like my hug. But then he kissed me again.



A/N: like it? I wrote this on my note book then placed it here on watt pad. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Please please i beg you! Vote!

Ok baiiiiiii!

-The person who is Bloody inspired...
NYX <3

TB.S.I (Thomas Brodie- Sangster) ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now