The Autograph

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I am here in England and at the airport so i can go back to my country, Canada. So i check back my tickets and waited for 8 hours in the delay. So i still didn't buy my tickets and so bored for 8 hours. So i just sit back in the airport chair. I grabbed my phone and see photos of Thomas Brodie Sangster. After a couple of minutes, i see a bunch of people with cameras and flash.

But i see a group of security guards backing them off. I saw Thomas Brodie Sangster! I ran there and readied my pen, paper and phone. I saw my classmates that were bullies and they saw me too. I ran as fast  as i could and saw Thomas Sangster.

"Excuse me, Mr. Thomas Brodie Sangster can i have a photo and an autograph?" I  said handing the pen and paper. Thomas looked at it first and just ignored it. I got my head down in embarrassment and my classmates laughed at me so hard. Even slutty girls laughed at me.

I slowly walk towards my seat again with my head down. Suddenly someone is catching up with me. It was Thomas Sangster, all of the fans, slutty girls paparazzi and my bully classmates looked at me and Thomas. He got me an autograph and took my phone to take a picture. He kissed my cheek during the picture. I smiled and blushed. After the picture we shake hands and he suddenly smash his lips into mine. Everyone looking at us gasped. There are screams coming for slutty fan girls.

"Do you want to go to Canada with me?" Thomas Sangster said as he kneeled down jokingly." I live there, i am going there, and YES I WILL!" I said screaming. He got 2 tickets for private plane. Everyone  gasp. A group of slutty fans approached me. "Excuse me. Who do you think you are stealing our baby Tommy. He is ours! He deserved someone better than you, like me!" 1 slutty girl said with black killer heels, super short jean shorts almost like panties , fit white crop top and slutty make up.

she pushed me away for Thomas and she suddenly kissed Thomas right on the Lips. Physically, Thomas pulled out and pushed the slutty fan girl." You are not my girlfriend! Your not even my wife! I don't even know you!" Thomas said in front of the slutty girl. She backed off. Suddenly Thomas grabbed my hand got out of this whole mess. We got out the airport and saw the private plane. We stepped in there and i saw 2 comfy chairs, table, Flat screen TV and a private flight stewardess ." Hello ma'am, sir. Please seat back relax and enjoy the ride" the pilot said." Thank you" i replied.

As we got in our positions, Thomas said " what is your name?". "Oh! Yes! I am Y/N Y/L/N." I replied. " Oh thats a pretty nice name. So you live in Canada, they said its nice there. Can you give me a tour m'lady ?" As Thomas said. "Yes! Of course. Id be honored". We got into the air and waited for 12 consecutive hours. We landed at Canada now.

We went put the private exit and we intertwined our hands together."Thank you for the Auto graph and Photo Thomas Sangster. See you soon." I said. He offered me his number and i agreed. We exchange numbers and i went off.

Suddenly and hand got my wrist." Wait! Please! I have to tell you something." Thomas said. I nodded." Um i really like and um. Can we be friends and if we know each other you can be my girlfriend?" as Thomas said saying that in front of me. I felt fireworks on my stomach i replied 'yes' he was happy.

Until a year came we already know each other. We hang out all the time and comfort each other. Now we sat in the couch watching a movie. And Thomas stood up. "Um actually. Its been a year since we are together here in England and um. Will you be my girlfriend?"  Thomas said. Tears started to trickle down my face. I replied "YES OF COURSE THOMAS BRODIE-" He interrupted me with a kiss!

The End.

A/n: thats what you wanted. Another episode. I made this because it was on my mind flowing. I stopped watt pad  a moment because its the last period of school, the last period is always the hardest. So better vote this.

Enjoy your day! Or night! Or afternoon!

-Dan Sangster

TB.S.I (Thomas Brodie- Sangster) Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें