Fallen apart

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A/n: anyways. I am still gonna write! Because its too boring not to write. So here i am. Here are some extra things you might not know:

Y/E/N: your enemies name


I am really tired from work! Ugh!! Anyways i am going to my house later, now i am gonna work.. Time flew/passed by my work is done. Finally. As i was gonna surprise Thomas (Thomas Brodie-Sangster) which is my boyfriend that i was so early from work. So i just buyed cupcakes to take home for Thomas. I was so happy i am gonna spend time with my boyfriend half a day! Because my work is always whole so i can't spend time with him..... but now..... i can!

I was singing songs from the radio. Filling joy at the whole car. Finally! I am home! I grabbed the cupcakes at the back of the car, and i went out the car, then i was walking towards the entrance of our house (Thomas and My house). I got along fine as i opened the doorknob revealing Thomas and Y/E/N having the thing!??Y/E/N was naked! Thomas was kissing Y/E/N, while Y/E/N was on top of Thomas. I dropped the cupcakes and quickly scurried down to my car and started it. I can't believe that Thomas is Having the thing with my Mortal Enemy Y/E/N! He knows that Y/E/N is my WORST ENEMY! I drove as fast as i could leave our house. Wait THATS NOT MY HOUSE ANYMORE! Tears streaming down my face and i don't know where to go.

It really shatters my heart like Thomas left my heart and my heart is unstable. I fell unloved. What matters the most of my life was Thomas. Of course i love my parents. But my heart shattered zillions of pieces. Like my whole system is not working anymore. I found the place where i could cool down. The place where there are natural resources of earth which is.. Nature. If i feel sad or heartbroken i always go to Nature. Once i was at an open field. I kneeled by the swaying of the grass. I screamed, shouted fear of my life. I let it all go with one worst cry, fallen apart with hammers braking in my soul. I felt this day that is my death. Letting all out my tears all come out until it all comes to be blood.

Nature is my hero for today. I stayed up there morning to night. As i got into my car letting all out anger. Not fear not sadness but anger. Angriness filled my heart and my face. I drove past the limited kph. As the red light quickly appeared in front, i quickly pulled on my breaks causing my windshield getting cracked. But that moment when someone hit the back of my car all of my surroundings went black. I feel nothing but pain, bruises,scars. I can't even see a single thing but just color black.

Thomas POV

I was watching my favorite movie. And i heared a knock on my door. I opened the door and reveled Y/E/N, Y/N's MORTAL ENEMY."um.. may i help you? In the first place, why are you here" i gave here a 'what the heck are you doing here idiot' look." To do this."she said smiling."What do you -" she interrupted me a rough kiss. I miss kissing someone, so i just kissed back. She was shocked, but at the second try i dragged Y/E/N and me at the couch. Kissing, smooching. I taked of her clothes getting her naked, as well i heard someone at the door but soon when i saw the door it was still closed. God i need to stop this. I have a girlfriend that i have to marry."STOP! Y/E/N, STOP! I HATE THIS! GET OUT NOW!"I said screaming. She then grabbed all her clothes. And got out. I was worried because maybe Y/N saw it. Thank god she is not here. Night is here, Y/N is still not around. I saw a box at the side of my door and grabbed it. 'surprise!I am early! Hope that you are happy i am here early love you so much babe! -Y/n' i was shocked. I cried in tears that Y/N so me doing that. First i turned on the TV i saw the news

"Breaking news! There had been a car accident here at the city, the victim turns out to be..."the reporter said. Please don't say a girl please! "Its a girl." the reporter reported and my head crash landed to my hands. I saw the exact mini cooper we have. All my fault.
Shit! I know it was Y/N! I bet! As rush to get prepared and the reporter told were is the hospital located.


It was still black. After a blink of an eye. I caught my sight on the hospital wall. I was too afraid that when i saw my skin, torn, cut, stitches. As i lean back i saw Thomas. Oh no! I hate this."Y/N are you ok are you -" i interrupted him,"What the heck are you doing here?"i said. He stood up and held my hand. But i pulled it off." I am so sorry Y/N, if you could just listen to me" as i leaned forward whispering to his ear "You can't do that ever again, i thought you loved me, but i was wrong..." i just said that to prove that he was wrong, bad,mean. I want to see pain in his face. "I loved you, but you didn't listen to me. You broke my heart. You know how hurtful you did Thomas?"every whisper i say every sob i make, i always cherish that heartbroken moment. "Y/N! I am so sorry. I know i was wrong. To see that i was doing that. But the thing is i missed you, i missed you kissing me, i missed you holding me,i missed you smiling, i missed you. But then i can't contain it anymore. But i am so sorry i won't do that now."he said with his eyes watering.

After all this witness, after all this pains and sufferings. Through this day forward . I finally understand what he was saying, "i forgive you"i said to him. I was once heart broken and now i was free from it. I let my hair fly from the wind. I let the waves crash into my feet. But i will stand and pick up the shattered pieces of my self, i won't let anyone shatter my love, my relationship. But it was too hurtful. From what all he have done. When i saw it, god i really gave up on him. I still need space and time for now. "But please give me time to think"he nodded in agreement. 2 weeks later i was free from the hospital. Thomas is in the house as i was gonna say we are already going back. As i unlocked the door i saw him and Y/E/N again...."how could you Thomas?"i quickly dropped on my d
Feet. "Oh hi Y/N, i just did this to Thomas, Sorry for that"Y/E/N said. Pained, suffered, stressed, anger, sadness was all in my mind. As i walk to the kitchen i secretly grabbed a little knife and hid it in my back. "Sorry for that but i am really in love with her but i love you more. You are still my girlfriend right? "he said with a teary eye."oh don't cry dork, i forgive you"i said wiping his tears away. His expression turned into a smile. "But it too late Thomas..." i said crying. "Wait what do you mean Y/N?" I quickly stabbed myself with a knife targeting my aching heart. At first i hear a shout "Y/N!!!!!" Then it all went black and silent.


Hehe hope you like it! I took 4 days to think about all of it


TB.S.I (Thomas Brodie- Sangster) ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang