Chapter 20: Remember when..

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HEY GUYS. GUESS WHAT? HERE'S AN UPDATE FOR ALL OF YOU GUYS WHO STILL WANT TO READ THIS STORY. I recently just got an idea so I hope this isn't the last idea I have for this story. :)

Chapter 20: Remember when..

Chitoge's POV

Raku and I.. Have a date tonight.



Seven o'clock..

My whole face started heating up. I looked into the mirror and saw that my whole face was red. I buried my face into my hands and thought about what would happen tonight.

Would it just be like a usual hangout? Maybe it's not really a date.. Maybe it's just a usual hangout.

I sighed.. Either way, I should get ready. Raku's probably on his way here.

I walked over to my closet and opened it up to see all my dresses organized by color. I decided I'd wear a simple white dress along with white flats. Raku loved all things simple and he also loved the color white for some reason.. I fixed my hair up and looked at myself in the mirror one more time before going out.


Raku's POV

I sat in Chitoge's living room with a bouquet of daisies in one hand and chocolate in the other. Daisies were Chitoge's favorite flowers. I got them for her because receiving flowers always made her happy. I gulped as I tapped my foot on the group nervously.

"Chitoge should be coming down soon. You know how she is." Adelt smiled as he left the other room.

I chuckled because I knew exactly how she is. She always took her time just to fix her hair and pick out her outfits. I always told her it didn't matter what she wore because whatever she wore looked just fine.

"I'm ready."

I looked up to see Chitoge walking down the stairs in a simple white dress that went down to her knees along with simple white flats. I blushed and looked away from her.

Dammit! Why does she have to be so cute!?

"Raku?" She asked.

"S-sorry! H-here, I got these for you." I said handing her the daisies and chocolates. She took them and smiled up at me.

"Thank you, Raku."

"Y-you're welcome."

After putting the daisies and chocolate away, we left her house and started making our way to our first destination which was a ramen shop.

She looked up and her eyes widened. She looked at me then back at the shop. I smiled at her admiringly.

"Raku.. Isn't this..?"

"The old ramen shop we first went to? Yes."

She admired the ramen shop and how much it's changed. She then looked over at me and hugged me, I hugged her back. We then proceeded inside and ordered our favorite ramen together.


"It's getting late, we should go home soon." Chitoge said.

"Hold on, I have one more place to show you." I said.

She looked at me confused and I grabbed her hand as I brought her to the one place she least expected me to bring her.

"Okay, before we go there. Close your eyes."

"But Rak--"

"Just do it."

Eventually, she followed what I said and I grabbed her hand again as I brought her to our final destination for tonight.

"You can open your eyes now."

She opened them and her eyes widened. She was really surprised that I had brought her here of all places.

"Raku.. This is.."


Anywhere but hereOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant