Chapter 8: what does he have to offer Chitoge?

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This one is written in Raku's POV because you guys are probably dying to know what he's thinking right now :) Enjoy!

Chapter 8: Well he's... cute

"Meep meep POW!" -r0xias

Raku's POV

"I like Shu Maiko!"

Chitoge's words seemed to play in my head over and over till I finally snapped out of it and just looked at her in shock.

Shu Maiko? That dumbass jock who drools over every girl in school? Why does she like him of all people!? She couldn't go for a more gentleman like guy? (A/N: Shu isn't best friends with Raku, as you can tell. Yes, I made him a jock to make him seem cool and bad xD not saying that all jocks are bad, kay? :D)

All I could say was, "What?"

"I-it's true.. I.. I like him." She said blushing like crazy. I clenched my fists all of a sudden and tried to calm myself down. Breathe Raku, this is your best friend. Breathe.

I signed heavily, "Okay. What made you like him?"

"He's my classmate for Calculus and.. Well.. he's cute."

"Other than the fact you think he's cute?"

She averted her eyes from me, "he seems.. nice and well-"

I cut her off, "nice? Chitoge, he's a jock, he drools over how many girls in school, you think he's nice?" Calm down, Raku!

I sighed heavily and rubbed my head in frustration. "I'm sorry.. I'm just.. worried about you, y'know? You're my best friend and I don't ever want you getting hurt." She looked down at her ramen frowning.

"But.. if you like him.. I guess I'll help you out.." I said.

She looked up at me in shock then smiled afterwards. "Thanks, Raku.." She said taking a small bite from her ramen.


After dropping Chitoge home, I started walking home myself thinking about what she told me..

It's not like.. I'm not happy she likes someone but, Shu Maiko? A jock? Please, what does he have to offer Chitoge? He might just end up being like her last heartbreak.


It was 3 years ago, before she moved to America. She had called me to hang out because her so called "boyfriend" was feeling sick.

"Raku, do you wanna hang out today?"
"Sure Chitoge, but I thought you had a date with Gin?"

"He's not feeling well, how about we go get some ramen?"


I picked Chitoge up from her house and we walked to the ramen shop together. Before we even entered, Chitoge gasped and I looked where she was looking.

It was Gin and he was with some other girl holding her hand and kissing her. Chitoge cried as she started running back home. No one, and I mean NO ONE, hurts my best friend.

I ran in and gave him a punch to the jaw and spilling his ramen all over him. "Don't you ever come near Chitoge again."

Those were the last words I said to him as I left the ramen shop to comfort Chitoge.

End of Flashback

Long story short, I never wanted Chitoge to go through the same thing again.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :D Update you soon!

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