Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Cynthia

In Virginia it got hot in Febuary sometimes, the weather was bi-polar as Liza liked to put it, and that night it was 90 something degrees, and humid. Liza, Cindy and Bri stripped down to just cami's and little pajama shorts. Something Liza would not where infront of a guy, especially William. "What if Will comes in here when we're still sleeping? I don't want him seeing my boobs hanging out of this shirt.. or Cindy's perfect ones!" Liza said with a hint of jealousy. " I do have nice boobs. But so do you!" replied Cindy spinning in circles around the room. "Okay. that's really not the point." said Liza. " He's not going to come in here, don't worry about it." Brianna assured her. The three girls plopped down on bed and started giggling for no apparent reason. " I love you guys." Liza said smiling. " I love you too babe!" replied Cindy. " I love you guys too!" Brianna joined in. "Aren't you glad we aren't lesbians." asked Cindy. "What?!" Brianna and Liza replied in unison. "hahah. I mean cause it's not awkward for us to be so affectionate.. we're really good friends. Best friends! And we don't have to worry about attraction." explained Cindy. " Hahah okay hunny, yes I'm glad I'm not a lesbian so I could have this friendship with you!" replied Liza. "That's why it's soo hard being friends with guys.. stupid attraction.." Brianna added. "True, true." Liza replied. "Let's go to sleep we have to get up early tomorrow to go to Church." said Brianna. "No... I hate getting up early!" complained Liza. "It will be okay hunny!" Cindy said patting Liza's head. Liza stuck her tongue out at Cindy and said " Whatever.. night."  Brianna turned off the floor lamp and she and Cindy fell asleep within minutes, but Liza stayed up for three more hours.. thinking about the boy sleeping just down the hall, she wouldn't mind his body heat right now...

Liza woke the next morning to find she was alone and her "thoughtful" friends had left the bedroom door open. Liza sat up on the bed and noticed William walking down the hall with his back faced toward her, he was taking his shirt off and putting a new one on. In that moment she could see the muscles in his back moving and she became ultra aware of every part of her body. She could feel her heart beating fast, and her cheeks turning red hot, her whole body felt like it was filled with butterflies and chill went up her spine. She turned around and waited a minute so it would look as if she hadn't seen him by the time she closed the door to dress and also to resist thinking about running her hands up his back.  She walked to the hallway and saw Will standing there, fully clothed (thankfully) and tieing a tie around his neck. "Goodmorning Liza." said William looking as energentic as usual. " Goodmorning, Will." Liza said with a sleepy smile and let out a yawn, then a short laugh and headed downstairs to grab some breakfast before they had to leave.

"I HATE you guys!" Liza yelled at Brianna and Cindy. " What?" asked Cindy innocently. "You left me up there alone. .and left the door open and William was right there taking his shirt off when I woke up!" Liza explained, hoping the red in her cheeks had subsided. "Oh no! Did he see you? Was it awkward!?" Brianna asked, thoroughly amused. "No." was Liza's short reply, and the last time she ever talked about that morning.  Liza grabbed a gluton free pancake from the plateful Brianna had made and headed back upstairs to wake up Kayla and Selia and dress them for church. "Come on girls. It's time to get up" Liza prompted , ulternating rocking the girls shoulders back and forth. Selia sat up sleepily and Kayla turned around and groaned. " Come on Kayla, we have to get ready for church, and the fun part is you get to help pickout your outfit today!" Encouraged Liza. "Okay..." Kayla said with her eyes barely open and started to sit up, only to fall back down on her pillow before finally getting up five minutes later. Liza dressed the girls in matching green dresses with flowers across the middle. Selia complained that she didn't like her shoes because they were red so Liza pointed out how there was a red flower on her dress so it DID match. Liza brought the girls down to eat pancakes before church. Selia insisted on wearing a sweater even though it was 80 degrees outside so Liza helped her get her small arms through the white's sweaters arm holes as she started to yawn saying "There you go, sweety." When she looked up she noticed William had turned his head away quickly, as if he had been looking at her..

William pulled his firebird into the back parking lot of the church, it started to rain. Liza, Brianna and Cindy huddled together under Cindy's pink and orange polka dot umbrella and William sheltered his younger sisters Kayla and Selia with his black umbrella. Holding Selia's hand as she held Kayla's, William led his little sisters through the rain, toward the church. "Oh, he's so good with his sisters, it's adorable! He's so careful with them.." Liza thought, feeling a deep longing forming in her heart as she watched him cross the street, his big hand holding his four year old sisters tiny one in a tight grasp. "I want my future husband to be like that with our kids.." Liza thought to herself and noticed she had started tearing up. Brianna and Cindy were completely oblivious to the emotions rushing through her. She didn't quite understand why she was so emotional, so she wasn't about to go and talk about it. She knew something inside her was changing, she could feel it. She shook her head to clear it and continued inside with her friends.

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