Chapter 3

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  • Didedikasikan kepada Chimmy

 School started January 14th that year, and Liza was less than ecstatic about starting geometry class, however the school she went to was only a co-op so it was mostly homework. Liza and Bri entered the square, windowless building used for their school and headed for their first class, the only class they had together because Liza was behind in Grammar. Mrs. Cassidy taught their Grammar class and Liza being a favorite, got away with goofing off, passing notes, and whispering with Bri and Jackson. Jackson was a handsome "kid", as Liza would call him, he had caught the eye of one of her friends that year, but to her he was just a friend. They jokingly called each other "Mother" and "Son" because Liza was often involved in trying to guide and help her friends out of bad situations. "Hey Jack, who do you like.." Liza asked in a whisper dragging out the last word with a hint of suggestion and elbowing Jackson in the arm. " Ouch! No, one.. I'm a free man." replied Jackson seriously. "I think you like Lily." stated Brianna. "Jackson! I know you like flirting with all the pretty girls but you have to pay attention in class!" Mrs. Cassidy said with slight humor. Liza and Brianna started laughing uncontrollably at Jackson being called out for their trouble making, and Jackson stifled a laugh, trying to appear annoyed as Mrs. Cassidy gave the girls a look that said "Now YOU be quiet or I'll call you out too!"

Liza's next class was geometry with Lily, they took their seats at the front of the tiny room and waited for Mr. Peters to start the class, Mr. Peters handed out 5 pounds of college level geometry books to the students a look of pure dissapointment already on his face. "I guess he knows I suck at math." Liza whispered to Lily and was ignored as her friend was too focused on being prepared to start taking notes as soon as needed. Liza rolled her eyes and looked to the head of the class. "I can't wait till this is over.." complained Liza with a groan. The bell rang an hour and fifteen minutes later, and not a moment too soon, Liza was about to take a nap! It was time for lunch! Liza jumped out of her seat and ran for the "popular" table where all of her friends sat each year. Liza saw Cindy and Blaze were already at the table, Cindy eating a pink cupcake she had baked herself and Blaze eating a chicken sandwich. Cindy was wearing a designer brand plaid dress with matching boots and cute owl earings, while Blaze preferred her skinny jeans, a dark blue top, and her favorite black glove on one hand, oh and her punked out hello kitty spike earings she had just received for Christmas. Liza and Lily got out their lunches and joined their friends. "So Cindy.. Jackson got called out for "flirting with all the pretty girls in class" today." Liza said nonchalantly as Cindy blushed bright red all around her face. "He's SO cute isn't he!? I wish I was in that class..." replied Cindy unable to contain herself. "You're adorable, Cindy. I'm sure Jack is interested in you." Blaze said matter of fact-ly. "Oh, I HOPE so!" replied Cindy, trying to calm her excitement. Finally Brianna got out of class, her History teacher always kept her late. Liza ran up and hugged Brianna." Oh Bri I missed you so much! How long as it been?! Months, years!?!?!?!" Liza yelled dramatically for all to hear. Brianna just laughed and the pair joined the other girls. "Are you coming home with us today?" Asked Brianna. " Don't I always??" replied Liza smiling.

When Liza got back to the Cassidy's she immediately looked around for William. "Okay.. he's not here.." She thought to herself as William popped out from behind the kitchen wall. " Oh hey Liza." said William. " You scared me.. gosh! Where did you come from!?" Liza exclaimed hitting William on the arm. "Ha, sorry I didn't mean to startle you. Oh that's my ride, see ya later, Sis!" William said patting Liza on the back and running out the front door. " See ya later, sis." Liza mocked in aggravation at Will looking at her as a sister. "But it was so cute anyways..." Liza drifted in thought. "Lily is going to be gone tonight, she's going with mom to the neighbors for a movie or something." stated Brianna. " Oh okay.. hey let's go upstairs I have to talk to you about something..." Liza said trailing off. "Um. okay.. " Brianna replied curious and the girls headed up to Bri and Lily's bedroom. Liza sat in the middle of the bed hugging a pillow and looking up at Bri as she closed to door. "So.. what is it?" Asked Brianna. "What? What's what.. it's nothing!" Liza procrastinated. Brianna rolled her eyes. " Come on, Liza! you always do this and then end up telling me, just get it over. It's more painful when you drag it out for so long!" yelled Brianna becoming increasingly curious. "Okay, okay.. but I have to drag it out!" replied Liza. " Liza!" exclaimed Brianna. " I just.. I can't say it." said Liza. "You like someone don't you!?" Bri yelled excitedly and continued. "This is so great, you never like anyone! Is it Lucas!?!?!" " Goodness NO! Bri!?!?!" replied Liza with a sour look on her face. " haha okay, well who is it!?" said Brianna. "Guess." replied Liza. "Okay fine.. is it Louis?" Liza just gave Bri a face, Louis was Lucas' older brother. " No? Why are you obsessed with the Nicolby's ,just because you have a fetish for them doesn't mean I do!" teased Liza. " Hey! that's not true!" Bri replied grabbing the pillow from Liza's arms. "Give that back!! It's my security blanket!" cried Liza. "It's a pillow.. and you're going down!" yelled Bri attempting to hit Liza with the stolen pillow but was blocked as Liza grabbed the pillow back from her and said. " Hey calm down! I'll give you a hint okay? He's... kinda...related to you." Bri thought for a moment. "Is it my brother.. Jon? You always said he was hot." (Jon was the "good looking" brother)  " no.. it's not Jon..." replied Liza. "Is it.. Mark? Chris? another one of my cousins?" asked Brianna. " No, no.. closer to home than that.." replied Liza. "It's my DAD isn't it!!" yelled Brianna as Liza smacked her across the face with the pillow. "Shut up!" yelled Liza laughing. Brianna paused." No.. no.. it can't be.." said Brianna. "It probably is.." replied Liza. " William." Brianna said with a shocked face. " Um.. maybe." Liza replied with an awkward laugh. "No! you are kidding! This is a practical joke! You're always calling him a dork and making fun of him. he's like your brother! There's no way! When did this happen!?" Brianna continued babbling and asking too many questions at once as Liza sunk her head into the pillow she had been holding and kept it there. "Liza!" Brianna cried, grabbing Liza's arm and yanking it. " You HAVE to tell me more!" " NOO!!! I mean I don't know! I just.. he's so cute and I like him and I haven't been able to stop thinking about him for months now.. and I'm confused!!" whined Liza as Brianna laughed at her expense. " I can't believe this!!" Brianna yelled. " Shhhh! Do you want him to hear you!?!!" complained Liza. "He's gone remember." teased Brianna. " Oh right.. well still, I don't want anyone else to hear!" . " So... how are you going to tell Lily? She won't even believe you.." asked Brianna. " I don't know.. I want it to go away! I don't want to tell anyone else, I don't understand it. He's so darn cute!!" Liza whined and fake sobbed. Brianna spent the rest of the sleepover teasing Liza , asking her question likes " Do you think he's HOT? Ew.. what do you like about him? Do you wanna kiss him!?" as Liza smiled awkwardly and refused to answer any of them.

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