Living Together

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Mikaela's P.O.V.:

It has been half a year since the war ended, and I get stuck living with one of the biggest idiots alive who has one of the best names to make puns out of. He doesn't listen to others, his hair is always a mess, he has no self control, acts before he thinks, and doesn't care about the consequences.

And I'm in love with him.

Things are actually starting to look up.

"MMMIIIKKKAAAA" And there he is right now.
"What Is it Yuu?" I call back to the black haired boy from my room. Hr sounded like he called from down stairs so, just in case, I walk out of my room.

This is something rare. I almost never leave my room because I'm still not sure how all the others feel about me. I know they have said that they accept me, but it still feels like they are still scared of me.

But I don't really care as long as Yuu isn't scared of me.

"MMMMIIIIKKKKAAAA!!!!" Yuu yells at me again. I smile a little bit at the thought of him. And I think I'm blushing a little now too. Damn it why does he have to be so cute?

"I'm coming Yuu!" I call back to him again, still smiling a little.


What was that. I turn and look around only to see no one, only the doors that line the halls.
Probably nothing.
I continue down the hall till I get to the stairs. When I look down them expecting to see Yuu, I see no one.

"Yuu! Where are you!!"


Oh no.

Oh god please no.

Please please no.

Was that coming from the kitchen?

Oh please tell me it we wasn't.

"Yuu?" I call out to him again, just to make sure I heard it right.


Oh crap.

It is.

"YUU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE KITCHEN?!" I yell at him as I rush into the kitchen. Everyone here knows that the only people here that know how to cook is Kimizuki and me.

"Hey there you are Mika! I was wondering if this was right. I wanted to make curry tonight." Yuu's thoughtfulness made me smile and blush a little bit. But I cringed when I I walked over and saw what he was in the pot he was holding holding up. That's.... Curry? It looks more like the charcoal from a fireplace that was used years ago so random trash got mixed into it.

Well at least he's trying... I guess... "Yuu, how did this happen?"

"I followed Mitsuba's instructions." What the hell was he thinking.

"Yuu, you already know that she can't cook, why would you do that." no really WHY.

"Well umm... she told me to trust her on this one." I giggled a little from how embarrassed he looks.

"Here." I said as I took the pot from him. "Lets start over, this time I'll help you." I would just do it all by myself, but Yuu at least has some hope of learning how to cook if he cooks with me. If only those humans would stop messing it up...

"Hmmm.... yeah alright!" Yuu chimed. He looks so happy it's so adorable omg.

"So, Yuu! How did my advice help?" We both heard Mitsuba say as she walked into the kitchen, looking proud. Well that was until she saw me. She started to glare at me, and I just looked down and away from her.

Please Forgive Me (A MikaYuu Fanfic) [Owari No Seraph]Where stories live. Discover now