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I just cant put everything that happened out of my head. I tried reading for sometime but I just can't. Its not distracting me and I fall asleep every single time I start. It's not just me. It's four pm right now. I'm waiting for Rose to come. She should come before I go for the scan. The hospital gave me an avocado sandwich and lemonade with some almonds to munch. It was tasteless. I see Rose running towards my room. Yes. Finally some spark in a lightless day.

'Hey!' She sits down on her knees near my bed holding my hand.

'Hey!' I say back to her.

'So how are you doing today?' She asks.

'The same. Today was one hell of a day.' I say and realize that both of those statements sound so different.

'What? What do you mean?' Yes I'm one confusing person.

'In the morning when my mom came in and started talking, I could hear her voice at the sound of a music system beside me on its highest volume. Not just her's but everyones voice. Also, for the first time, I could move and arch my back but it all just ended in a few minutes. It was really a lot painful and took all the power out of me.'

'Wow, that's kinda weird. Not kind of but it is weird. Has anything like this happened to you before?'

'Nope. Never.'

'Huh. Interesting. Anyway I snuck in a teeny tiny refreshment for you. I don't know if I should give it to you or not but I guess you need it.' Now that is grabbing some of my attention.

'What is it?' I ask as she removes a tiny bar of Twix from her backpack and waves it in front of me like a small kid with all of teeth showing.

'Yass. I was waiting to have something sweet for days! Thank you so much!' I take it and and sneak it behind my pillow.

'Don't they give you snacks like these at all?' She asks eating one herself.

'Not till date.'

'What do they give you for lunch?'

'Don't ask.' But I wanna answer. 'A vegan sandwich everyday.' It hurts.

'That sucks.' I know right.

'So what's going on at school?' As if I care. Though I should.

'Nothi' She's cut halfway through her word by a knock at the door.

'I'll get it.' She says and gets up.

The doctor enters as she opens the door.

'You are not allowed to close the door without a medical supervisor with you at constant. You don't know what the consequences would be.' He says with a harsh tone and we both look down.

'Anyway, I'm here to take you for scan Lucy. And that's why you need to leave.' He says looking at Lucy.

I glance at the clock and realize that good time just passes so quickly.

'I'll see you later.' She says and leaves.

I look at the doctor and then make an expression of non-appreciation.

'You can talk to your friend some other time.' He says and sends a nurse from outside to detach my bed.

Technology these days. You just remove two flaps and my bed is sliding around the room in wheels. I have no clue how they are going to put me on the x-ray bed though. The grumpy nurse drags my bed out from the rooms and takes me on a long walk with her. On the way, I see families crying and laughing amongst themselves and their patients, a lot of talking, eating, listening. Seeing all this makes just everything look so depressing. Some nurses are happy with papers in their hands and watching others happy and some nurses are just grumpy and not the enthusiastic as they should be. I have one of the grumpy ones. Sometimes I just think of nurses as slaves for the doctors. Not actually slaves but servants. They both are a little different. They hand them stuff when they need, they make patients reach a different destination each time according to the doctors schedule and make lunches and deliver them and other stuff. Sometimes I think that their job is just sadistic. I mean except for those who probably like serving people. It's just not at that level of interesting.

We reach where I have to be. The stupid scan. We enter the room and its pitch black. It is literally like a black hole. I feel like I have become blind. The lights flash on and my eyes pain. There are two more doctors with the one assigned to me. They just push my mattress on the empty broad metal stand. They lift me up and screams come out of my mouth. Cant they lift me up in a scientific way? My body is flipped now. My face is staring at the floor and my back is facing is the creepy laser. The lights shut down and its all black again. I can hear some noises of walking and talking. Someones flips a switch and I can see a red light reflection on the expensive marble floor. The laser goes up from my neck to my butt at the bottom. Then a white flash appears and a sound of a picture clicking comes from the machine. The lights flash on again and the cycle repeats itself.

'You just lay there for some time Lucy, we'll be back in a minute.' He says and takes away everyone else with him.

'K.' I say in my own world and move my legs up and down.

I turn on my back. I just turned. On my back. I just turned on my back. I'm starting to freak out now. This is unbelievable. I just turn back facing down. I don't want anyone to know. I have fear that they will not let me go or to school soon and try to make me their experiment. But why is it happening? How is it happening? I'm just a normal person like any other being. Something like this has never happened in my life. I just want to try and turn straight. Just one more time. I try. It's hurting. I try again and I silently start crying. I wipe my tears on my shirt and just lay there thinking what I have done in my life make it this miserable. It's just not fair! Anger is taking over.

They open the door and come in. I already do feel like I am an experiment.

'Yeah she was probably right'

'Yeah, for sure.'

'I mean its possible.'

'Yeah and there is also no need to worry.'

I hear these words far away in whispers and then the sound of steps coming towards me.

'Lucy, you were right, it was just a jerk.' He says.

'You can just stare at you bones for sometime if you want and then we'll take you back.' The other doctor says.

He hands me the x-ray and I just stare at it. I don't believe this. This is not believable. It's not.

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