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I'm outside now. Yes. People are staring at me in the hallway, staring. Well, I don't care right? I walk to my locker to keep my dirty shirt and just make my way to the music class. One of my electives for my last year in this school. I play Piano. I even have one have my living room. I just like to sit and, play and sing simultaneously. It's unexpectedly soothing.

I cant believe, that the wait for the big time is just an hour away.

I enter the room and everyone is like resting their eyes at me as I go and take out my folder.


'Well we are starting with one of the song from our film favourites for our next band festival.' Mr. Janson says as I can see the expression of glee soon everyone's faces and for me, I like the original and classics better than the film. My favourite is "Don't rain on my parade" from the musical "Funny Girl." You can actually feel the heaviness of the Piano play in that song.

'Actually we not only doing one but two songs from the film favourites.'

Is this for real?

They are never ever challenging.

'The first one is "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion as you all know.

Ooh. At least the song has some spirit.

'And the second song we will be doing is "Pirates of the Caribbean" from the first movie, "The Black Pearl."'

'So for the people who are not in band can also enjoy the melody of these songs for a quite a few time. You all get to have fun. Haha!

Yeah well. Meh.

He hands out the respective sheets to all of us.

He takes his trumpet and makes us catch the tune for once so we can play it easily.

The tune for the first song is just what I needed.

Oh. Now he's guiding each one of the musical groups as needed. Rose.

Rose is this class too. I never noticed! Aah! Brass player. Face always on the downside. I guess she was wrong when she said, she didn't have any classes with me together. 

Now I get a chance to taunt her. As a friend.

Maybe best friend?

I'm not really sure.

I just realized that he's starting to conduct. I play smoothly as I read the notes. Wandering in the thoughts of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The movie was truly one in a million. I wish someday that would be me.

Or actually not.

I mean I don't want my true love to die. But even if it does, I would still have the feeling of what true love actually means and feels like.

'Lucy. Lucy!' Mr. Janson shouts as I'm reverted from my wonderland. A.K.A brain.

'Sorry I was just lost.' I apologize without feeling it.

'Yes you were. But no you weren't. I stopped the class because they couldn't get the articulation. But you kept going. Let me just say what you played was just wonderful. I have never heard a student play like that before. Meet me after class. I need to talk to you.' He says making me try be proud of myself for how I play the instrument I love the most. It kind of feels weird because he's complimenting me all of a sudden in front of everyone. One of those awkward moments when everyone is staring at you wishing it were them.

'Well, thanks a lot Mr. Janson.'

He smiles and then starts explaining the "articulation" to everyone again.

'Trumpets and clarinets come in at the fourth beat, not any later or earlier guys! Please try to make it work.' He shrugs and Rose catches my eye.

'Hey' I try to make my whisper travel to her ears.

She puts her trumpet down and takes her phone out as Mr. Janson is explaining the percussion people.

I get a text on my phone with a random number at the same time. Should be her.

"So is it a yes or no for the offer?!" It reads. Definitely her.

"I need some time to think." I reply.

"Sure but remember no more than three months!" It says and I laugh as she flashes a smile at me and we both laugh.

"Oh really? Sure!" I reply sending an emoticon afterwards.

"So, what do think of Mr. Janson?" She asks me on the text. Wow thats a nice conversation now.

"Well he's definitely old. He is really ambitious about music I can say but he sometimes forces and tries to make things perfect a lot. What about you?" I reply being brutally honest.

"SAME!! We have a lot more opinions in common than you thought!"

"Yeah we do!" I reply.

'Lets start again, this time without basses, percussion and piano please!' He shouts through the room and I just sit there like a limp dishrag.

I click the power button on my phone and it flashes 14:57. Literally just twenty minutes.

I hope the rest of the day decides to be normal because let me just say, or else I will not even have the strength to answer questions or take a shower after when I reach home. Right not I just feel so lazy. Just wanna curl up in a blanket with an novel, fall asleep without knowing and sleep throughout the rest of the day and not face anymore embarrassments, tragic incidents, thoughts, taunts, wearing food, something big happening or not even compliments.

Speaking of which, today was unexpectedly tragic. It may even have been the most tragic day of the year or maybe the high school life that is going to be over in three freaking months. Time passes like air. If I write down what happened today, it would be, Jackson taunting in a weird manner, cheerleading coach absent because of some weird flu on the day of the big presentation, the game and the cheer, getting hit by a pasta car, finding the number of real and fake friends I have i.e. zero and zero, finding the truth of life about what really matters and what really should matter, finding out someone evil but simultaneously awesome from the past, applying thick eyeliner, getting compliments from Mr. Janson and last but not the least, The Big Cheer after school.

I just cant wait to get out and get free.

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