Battle of Remnant part 3

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A/N To get the most out of this chapter in your reading experience listen to the song above. To get the emotion that the chapter should be making you feel. or that is what I went for.....

Weiss's POV

Winds raged as Ruby, Blake and I used our maiden power to clash with Salem's dark power. The sky lit up like a fireball casting dark shadows off Haven's walls. 

A news helicopter could be heard overhead. They had to be filming us. Damn it. The Maiden's secret will be out now.

Salem's white hair stood out as she smirked as she seemed to have gotten what she wanted. For the Maiden's secret to be exposed.

We had to put a end to this quickly. 

"Blake, Ruby, Chaotic sunrise." I yell the walls gleaming crimson and green as Ruby and Blake charged up the power. Ruby's eyes changed into deep gold and Blake's into a deep crimson. They launched the power at the same time the power mixing as it hit Salem with force enough to make a giant crater in the ground.

Salem's stood in the center of the crater her skin a bright red from the blast. The sight of rose petals from my peripheral vision told the story as Ruby launched herself at Salem. 

Her cloak flapping in the winds as she did Salem smirked as Crescent Rose was knocked from Ruby's hand. 

It flew in the air landing blade first in the cobblestone.

"Goodbye Summer maiden." Salem sneered as she launched the power that the dark wind that she had inside her. From the close they would shred Ruby apart.

"Ruby!" I started to run forward to stop the scene ahead of me. However the sound of Blake's shroud as she launched herself into the blast. Blake was thrown back with force into the wall on the opposite side of the academy.

Ruby dashed toward Crescent Rose taking it in hand and taking the fight toward Salem. 

Salem summoned dark blades that were could manipulate the wind. She smirked as she did her eyes flashed black. "You finally proved yourself worthy for me to use my weapons."

Meanwhile I ran toward where Blake had went into the wall. The wall was cracked and splintered from the impact. Blake's face was covered in blood and she had trouble keeping her eyes open. 

"Te...Tell Ruby I am sorry I won't be able to help her with saving Remnant." With that her eyes fluttered shut a green energy flowed from her body as it seemed to flow toward Ruby.

Blake had died her body limp against the wall. I could only imagine she would go to where her love is. 


Ruby's POV

Salem was no standard foe. She lashed out in brutal assaults as she slashed at me and as I blocked she kicked underneath Crescent Rose into my gut. The air left my lungs. Worry about Blake set in as I thought about her. Shaking my head from the thought I couldn't focus on her right now. 

In order to save her I must..I must keep my head in this fight. Or I would die and her sacrifice in taking the hit would be for nothing.

She smirked positioning her black blades over my head and stuck down. Then confusion set in. I was surrounded by a bubble of green energy. A new power flowed through me. 

"No!" My scream flowed from my mouth. I had inherited the power of Spring. That meant Blake had died. 

"Your sacrifice won't be in vain Blake." I yelled hatred in my voice toward her killer Salem. Her eyes showed amusement as she looked on at my eyes.

Slashing and hacking at her was difficult. I would have to let her have a killing blow in order to get her guard down enough.

Salem slashed toward my heart and I didn't block the blow I sidestepped it so her dark blade would enter my sternum. Painfully I slashed toward her head surprised she tried to jump back but was surprised to find that Weiss had a hold of her.

Her head came off covering Weiss and I in a torrent of dark blood. Dark power left her body and leapt toward in the north east. 

It seemed that it would find a new host. I would have to fight it again.

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