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Ruby's POV

Ow! my head was the thought that came to mind as I awoke to the sounds of yelling and crying.

Jaune stood in a corner as if he was quarantined from the situation. Sitting up caused my vision to spin for a minute before showing on the horrible green hospital robes that made you feel like you were wearing a trashbag.

Shifting my body my face immediately lit up as the thought dawned on me. I was completely naked underneath the hospital gown. My face was I am sure would make a rose jealous.  Where are my clothes?

Why is my head killing me and why do I feel like I have been drinking blood? These thoughts made me pause as my head pounded.

" I did what I did for Pyrrha why do you punish me for what I seen as right?" Jaune was obviously hurt and confused. Jaune felt he was responsible for her death.

"You cannot just try to kill someone you would end up like Ruby's brother an evil bastard." Nora didn't think well enough ahead as my anger started to boil.

"Nora! What do you know of Omega's struggle absolutely nothing" I was emotionally off embarrassment and into rage.

Nora turned her head at the sound of my harsh tone.

"I am sor.." Nora started before I got up into her face.

"No you are not. Don't apologize just because I heard you." I felt my rage boiling I was glad Crescent Rose wasn't in my hand as I probably would have killed her or at least maimed her.

I felt like striking her but the look on Nora's face made me pause. The tears in her eyes were evident as she ran from the room Jaune running after her telling her to wait before sending me a death glare.

Weiss stood solemnly in a corner watching me as she raised a eyebrow the scar across her eye was made more visible as she did so. Her white hair fell in cascades as she didn't have it in a ponytail as she normally did her white dress making her look like a angel.

A angel that was judging me.

"You could have taken her feelings into account Ruby." Weiss simply stated as she closed her eyes in thought. 

" But she...."  I started.

"But nothing Ruby. Do you even know what she was talking about?" Her tone made it evident she was worried for me.

"No not really." I stated as the truth of my anger was misdirected it seemed.

"She was talking about Jaune almost killing Emerald  because of her killing Pyrrha. She was trying to get him to see that a road of revenge leads to nothing but sorrow. I should know I hated Blake when I first figured out she was a faunus." She stated looking into the corner over my shoulder. 

This caused my gaze to follow. Blake was asleep making soft little cat snores as she slept. My anger softened and turned to embarrassment. Blake had a white medical tape across the right hand from her palm.

"Weiss why do I taste blood?" I asked what seemed to be an innocent question.

"Well that answer would be that Blake had to feed you her blood through your mouth. This was to save you from a serum injected by Emerald which I assume she was working for someone more. She never seemed to be a science person." She seemed to want to say more but a boom was heard around the school.

"Well Ruby it seems the school is under attack. Let's go see if we can finish what we need to here and go find who Emerald is working for." Weiss tossed Crescent Rose to me from a behind her and smiled.

"Also you might want to change out of 'that'" She stated obviously talking about my hospital gown.

Weiss walked toward me her form perfect as she walked passed to wake Blake. It seemed we would need all three of us.

Maidens of depravity. (Sequel to Dark Rose.)Where stories live. Discover now