2~Everything Needed

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Note: don't listen to the video and read the chapter. Xd.

Luke's eyes suddenly grew distant. I felt myself being hammered by that similar sorrow. "Everyone in my family is dead. I don't really have much left here now. I just have the decision to become a Jedi like that of my father." His eyes suddenly glazed over. Annoyance bubbled in my stomach. Every female knew that look. It was the look of a love struck boy.

I looked at Obiwan to find a familiar smirk on his face. "Princess Leia. You know she's in trouble?"

Luke looked a bit taken aback. "How did you know?"

I shrugged but couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. "I work with the rebels. Recently, the princess and I had a little fallout-"

Obiwan coughed, "Regular argument."

I laughed, "He's right. The princess and I have never gotten along but the last time I really got under her skin. She kicked me out and sent me here with Obiwan for a little punishment."

Obiwan chuckled and said with sarcasm, "Of course, I punished you."

Luke laughed at our playful banter and I continued, "The latest report told me she had disappeared with a ship and that was only a few hours ago."

Luke's eyebrows met in their cute expression. "Where were you earlier then?"

"Obiwan left me to my own devices so I was out in town trading things that the rebels can use when I returned. Spare parts, weapons, most of everything."

Luke nodded satisfied with my answer. "How long have you been with the rebels?"

I smiled, "About five years. I did some other stuff before then since I guess you see my timeline doesn't add up. Before you ask, I'm twenty- eight."

"What kind of stuff?"

I grinned. "Stuff you don't need to know about, sweetheart."

Luke pursed his lips but in the firelight I saw the blush that crept to his cheeks. I didn't know him but there was something about him that made him click with me. The sorrow present in his features told me we had that much in common.

Obiwan walked over to my shoulder. "We've known each other since Eliza was a tiny baby. At fourteen she was adventurous and by fifteen she was doing her own thing. She returned to me when she was twenty two and at twenty three she joined the princess' rebels."

My eyes rolled, "I don't believe they are her rebels. I know I'm not one of hers. She likes to stress that but she'll always be met with the fact that I only take orders from myself."

Obiwan chuckled, "We all know you aren't hers and she especially knows."

I looked back up at Luke. His eyes had lifted. "I wish to accompany you to Alderaan and save the princess to help the rebels."

My eyebrows met once again. "What?" Alderaan!

Obiwan answered. "The princess was on her way to take me there because her father needed my help. However, as you know, her ship went under attack. This little droid," He pointed to R2, "gave me her message of help. Luke bought him and 3CPO from the Jawas and the loyal droid found me. So, here we are now."

I understood the situation and turned to Luke in case he was conflicted. "I had to make this same decision, about joining the rebels, only it was under different circumstances. Luke, you won't regret doing this."

He smiled and winked, "I didn't think I would."

My stomach turned over and my face immediately went red. I smiled nervously, "Good. I like that about you."

Luke grinned again but this time it didn't cover his sorrow. His features leaked sadness. He sidestepped me and made his way to stand in front of the fire. My voice was low as I said, "Take your time, Luke."

I knew it was best to let him mourn right now, even if it was only for a few seconds. Obiwan beckoned us farther from the fire. I followed in his steps, making it easier to navigate the sand, until he came to a whole stop. "He likes you."

I hissed, "Shutup, old man."

He chuckled quietly and looked at me fondly. "I don't know of a time you liked anybody."

I held my head higher and let my gaze fall on Luke maybe twenty feet away in front of the fire. That's because you don't know, Obiwan. "What are we going to do exactly?"

Obiwan smiled making crows feet appear beside his still bright blue eyes. "Nice subject change. We will be saving and helping the princess and teaching a Jedi."

"So we will need to go into Tatooine for a ship?" I huffed. "Maybe the princess will like me after this."

"Yes, we need a ship. I don't think she ever will." His eyes trailed over my sneer. A look of concern came over him. "She doesn't trust you."

I swelled on the inside. "Who would, though?" The answer to my question bothered me. I would be returning into the Tatooine interior. That was going to be dangerous for me but now it wasn't just me. It was us that was being put in danger.

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