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I gazed at the bodies and grunted inwardly. My green eyes flashed in the firelight as I took in all the dead burning in the fire, which, only included the Jawas. Luke's family, Beru, Owen... I shook my shoulders as slight irritation ruffled me.

Obiwan chuckled but his eyes were tight. "Stay calm."

I rolled my eyes under the hood of my cloak. "I'm as calm as calm can get around here."

His tone became more stern. "You take after him more than you know."

My stomach churned and my lips threatened to pull down. I kept them in a thin line and raised my chin higher. "You know that hurts."

His eyes flicked from the fire to me. He paused for a moment and sighed. "I'm sorry, Liz."

I looked from him, back to the burning flames of dead. My eyes narrowed. "Did you think I would see the smoke and know you needed me?"

I looked back to him as his intense gaze burned my skin. "You know I knew you would."

My wrists flicked as I turned to walk away from the heat of the flames. I met a warm, solid frame. A hand pressed against my waist to steady my feet that lost their balance in the sand. I wasn't from Tatooine so I wasn't used to the mounds of loose sand. I easily lost my balance even with the knee high dark brown boots I wore.

"Are you ok?" I looked only slightly upward and found myself looking into the most captivating blue eyes. My speech disappeared. Muscles around my jaw slacked so that I gaped awkwardly at the man before me.

"I'm sure she's fine, it's you I'm worried about. Luke, this is Eliza Starsoul. Eliza, this is Luke Skywalker." Obiwan had spoken for me. I found control of my jaw muscles as I gave him a glare only he could decipher.

Luke's hand removed itself from my side and was instead offered to me to shake in greeting. The firelight, even though during the day, danced across his handsome face making him more than just handsome. Stunned, I shook it automatically.

His touch was lukewarm against my always cold skin. He winced slightly as our skin met, apparently not used to skin as cold as mine. "It's nice to meet you, Eliza."

The wince faded into a brilliant smile. However, his eyes betrayed him. Sorrow clung to their depths. I shook myself and grinned sideways, as always, trying to lighten his mood. "It's nice to meet you too, Luke."

He released my hand and looked past my shoulder to Obiwan. "She looks like she wouldn't harm a Jawa."

I frowned and crossed my arms. "I can hear you, you know."

Obiwan chuckled at my being insulted by Luke's seemingly harmless words. "You probably don't want to insult her again. You don't know the Wookie in her."

I looked over my shoulder and found his eyes glowing with pride. I sheepishly looked back up to Luke and found a smile of competiveness written on his face. All the sorrow wiped off his face. "Sorry."

I shook my head and found myself smiling back. "It's fine." I chuckled softly. "You'll learn."

Luke raised his eyebrows. "Really? I'd like to see you teach me." He smirked and we both looked back at Obiwan. "She's one too?"

I must have missed a part of what he meant as bewilderment clouded my thoughts. My heart jumped uncomfortably as one thought rested on my brain. Obiwan answered with such calmness that my heart slowed. "No, she will just help you where she can. Trust me, she can fight and tempt you the way any enemy would. I will be the one to teach you."

Confusion must have clouded my gaze. Obiwan smiled with tenderness. "We will have to fill you in."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Always keeping secrets." I then met Luke's gaze again. He was glancing between the two of us with furrowed eyebrows. I blushed, his expression was extraordinarily cute.

"You don't know?" My burning cheeks became cool again as I laughed quietly. "Apparently not. I'm lost in this conversation."

The captivating blue eyes narrowed at Obiwan, giving him a steely look. Obiwan was indifferent to his look and inclined his head as if signaling or giving permission to Luke. I huffed impatiently and pulled my hood down, allowing my braid to fall down my back. I pulled it over as a side braid on my left, my normal position.

My skin suddenly crawled with uneasy chill bumps. Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced at Luke. His gaze was stuck on me with his jaw slack like myself just a minute ago.

I shifted my feet and looked at the ground between our surprisingly close feet. Only one person had ever gaped at me before.

If Obiwan noticed my discomfort, he didn't show it. "Luke, tell her." He said encouragingly.

I looked fully at Luke. He had recovered himself but he was avoiding my eyes. "I'm going to become a Jedi. From what Obiwan has told me, my father was a Jedi Knight and I have inherited the Force that was in him. He wants you, a plain human, to teach me which I find very unusual."

My lips curled upward, as he called me a plain human. "I am anything but plain and I bet a while ago you were a plain human, a farm boy. While I am out fighting and building my reputation. I am not plain."

Luke's eyes went wide, amazed. He put his hands in the air as if defending himself. "Sorry-"

Obiwan interjected, "Poor choice of words."

Luke rambled on after casting him a glare. "I didn't mean anything by it. I don't know you."

My eyebrows rose. He really has no idea what I'm capable of even after Obiwan said I could help him. Luke was now studying me as if waiting for a response. I chose my own words carefully and skillfully. "I can help you but I can only teach you the ground. The basics of fighting. I am no Jedi. Don't be disappointed when I fail you, because I will."

Shock finally registered in my stomach. He was a Jedi... But they were all destroyed at the Jedi Temple in the Clone Wars. No wonder Obiwan never told me what he was doing out here after all these years and just a few hours ago when he left me to trade deeper inside the interior of Tatooine.

A weight I had felt forever lifted off my shoulders. I felt unburdened for the first time in forever. Luke must have noticed the rise of relief in my eyes because he smiled and proudly said, "The last hope for the rebels."

I corrected him with a smile, "A new hope."

Luke's face scrunched as if he was thinking about the title very intensely. I giggled and he smiled, pleased by my reaction. "I like that title. Should we tell her everything?"

I looked at Obiwan with a hard expression. "Tell me everything that happened and what I need to know."

Obiwan's lips twitched as if he wanted to smile but didn't. "Patience. You will know soon enough and Luke will know what you have done."

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