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1. What is your user name?


2. How old are you?

18 gonna be19in February

3. Which hemisphere do you live in?

 North Western

4. How long have you been on Wattpad?

Not ever a full year yet I think.

5. When did you start writing?

when I was five I wrote my first story and even though every single word is spelled wrong I remember the story perfectly.

6. What book are you most proud of?

I'm proud ofthree and two of them are not on here but I'm proud of I Swear I Am NOT Crazy which is one here.

7. What is your favourite genre to read?

Fantasy. Taking off into a new world is the best escape of all.

8. Who are your favourite Wattpad authors?

overzealous she's amazing at wrotong romance.

9. Who are your Favourite published authors?

J.K.Rowling. James Patterson.

10. What is the best comment you have ever got?

Every comment I ever get is appreciated just like every fan is appreciated. ^-^

11. What is your biggest pet peeve?

I don't really have any but people on cell phnes when driving anf people screwing around at Wendys I work there and have toclean their mess. It;s a real drag.

12. Name a random fact about yourself.


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