I was standing at the frame of the door of the garden washing the kids play.

"Wow day pass so fast I can still remember when I held them in my arms" I said

"Yeah I know Sally" Aden said and hug me

"Hey Aden and Sally" Stephan, Alicia, Joseph, Olivia, Ryan and Abby said

"Hey guys" Aden and I said

"So they have grown up so fast" Abby said

"I know all of them have" I said

"Yeahp" Stephan and Joseph said at the same time

"I say that one day your son well be the greatest leader as you Aden" Ryan said

I saw how Oliver was giving orders to the other kids about the game they're going to play and where to not go and hide.

"Yeah I can see that" I said and smile

"They all can run fast you know" Alicia said

"I know" Olivia said

"They all are just like you guys" Eddy said and we all turn around

"They all are going to be very close to how you guys were and still are" Rebekah said

"Training them was hard but they got it fast and they all have a little of all of you" Eddy said

"Come on is time to sing happy birthday to the kids" Rebekah said

"Let sing it out here the sky is beautiful tonight and the moon is so full and bright" I said

"Well ok just gather them around the table" Rebekah said

"Ok kids time for cake gather around the table" Aden said and they all run to the table and got in order how they were born.

Rebekah came with this big cake and as soon she put it on the table we all started to sing happy birthday to all. Now everyone was eating cake and then they all started to play again.

Us the grown ups was inside in the living room talking and laughing. Then all in the sudden Alicia came running to the living room.

"Mom mom" Alicia said pulling on my dress

"What's wrong Alicia" I said looking at her

"It's snowing" Alicia said

"Really" Ryan said

"Yeah come out and see" Alicia said

We all stand up and walk to the garden and wow it was snowing and it looks like it has been snowing a lot cause now the ground is all white.

"This is so awesome mom come and play" Olive said

"Well let's join them" Aden said

We all join the kids to play in the snow. It has been so long since it hasn't snowed but today everyone wish came true. Us girl took off aware heels to play. We were now having a snowball fight. We were all having so much fun, laughing, throwing a snowball at each other, some of them doing snow angel and a snowman.

Then we all went inside as it was starting to get cold and snow even harder. We sat next to the chimney in the living room and Rebekah gave us all hot chocolate.

"Men that was fun" All the kids said

They all sat in circus next to the Christmas tree talking and drinking their hot chocolate and eating some more cake.

"Looks like they had fun" Aden said

"I know and I did too" I said

"We all did" Joseph said

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