The Clown

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I remember when I was an innocent little girl. I am 13 now, and I can never forget what happened to me that summer night. My childhood ended when I was about 7. I remember that night so clearly... My friend
and I had decided to go into the cold, foggy woods that  no one explored. I knew it was a horrible idea, but I still went to prove I was brave. I looked around, a little terrified since it was just empty woods...

"Hey, Elena! "Sam screeched in my ear.. It was my " friend" A.K.A  the bitch that left me behind when I needed her the most. She was shaking my shoulders and laughing. I sighed, totally pissed off, and turned around. " Can we just leave? This place is really creeping me out." The forest was dark and gloomy, with almost not lighting at all. I looked to see something in the distance, it seemed to be an ancient looking piece of wood.

"Come on, don't be a baby. Let's check this out." She pointed at the work of molding materials. Moss, grime, and breaking, collapsing lumber. I glanced at it, slowly following Samantha, who was acting like this was like the most natural thing in the world.That voice inside my head told me to sprint away, just leave her behind. "I- I think we should leave. NOW. " I gripped the fabric on my jacket and squeezed it tight.

"Come on, don't be a wuss I want to see why it's here." She rolled her eyes at me. Little did I know someone was watching us. I followed her to the woodworks, and it hit me that it was a swing set. "Hey Sam-" I had started to say those words, and that's when it begun. Loud rustles filled my ears. Sam looked at me nervously. Whatever it was stopped, and I started to calm down a bit.

" Wow you were sooo scared!" Samantha teased me. " So were you!" I yelled, my face turning red. I ran my fingers through my thick brown hair, embarrassed. I then heard a loud squeal. Startled, I looked up. Samantha was on the ground screaming, and blood was everywhere coming from the wound on her chest. "Samantha!!!!!" I yelled. I started to run to her but a cold hand grabbed my waist. My eyes traveled up the blood coated, filthy hand to find an older looking man dressed in weird clothes clothing that looked like.. A clown, believe it or not, he stood there with an evil grin looking at my body. He had stabbed Samantha! I screamed, along with Samantha, who was on the ground trying to get up while holding her side. " L-let go of me! " I screeched.

He laughed a terrifying laugh. His eyes were empty but also filled with joy and excitement. I didn't know why, keep in mind I was 7. Samantha had managed to get up. The clown's smile just grew wider. He wasn't concerned about her, just me. His new prey. Samantha ran for her life, literally. She didn't even stop to help me. What a bitchy little coward she was for accusing me to be scared. I squirmed while taking in his features. He was covered in blood, dry blood. Too much to be just Samantha's. Under the blood, I could see torn and ripped clothes. He smelled of blood, of course. Also, some sort of disgusting odor I couldn't identify. It was like  he hadn't showered but then rolled in some sort of odor... I kicked him and slapped and did everything I could, but he easily fended me off and laughed again. That laugh.. It was so... Dry and evil. " Little girl..."

He said in a soulless voice. He started to drag me towards the swings, while I kicked and struggled all the way. I never stopped fighting. He sat me on the swing, where he took out some old, scratchy looking rope. I almost threw up from the terror. What was he going to do to me?

OOOOHHHH A cliffhanger! It's getting real.
:3 :3 :3 This is a completely made up story! So don't think this is true. :1

The Creepy Clown (I changed a lot!) Where stories live. Discover now