Chapter 9

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I swing the duffle bag over my shoulder and leave my father's house. I turn to take one last look at the white, beaten up house, and get going.

Can't get too sentimental about these things.

I take the battery out of my phone and throw both out into a trash can on my way to the bus station, so no one can track me or contact me.

As I make my way down the block, I hear Zach's voice behind me.

"Yo! Jimmy!" I turn around at the sound of my name... Zach pulls up next to me in his red beat up, mustang. "Where ya heading to?"

"Bus station." I say shortly.

"Want a lift?"

I nod.

"Were you just passing by?"

"Nah, Skylar called, she sounded hysterical, begging me to stop you, but then Jason clarified for me, and told me to just give you a lift because you had your mind set on leaving."

"Why does Skylar have your number?!" I yell.

"See, this is why," He says in a matter of fact way, "she left you, you gotta change your attitude, man. You can't be over protective of girls, the kind of girls you're into hate that shit."

I sit there, staring at him, my mouth slightly open.

"Bro... how did..?"

"I know you still care about Skylar, and you're running away from what you're feeling, since weed wasn't distracting you enough, you felt the need to leave. You keep telling yourself that you hate her because it's easier to hate her than it is for you to see her with someone else."

"Shut up."

"You know I'm right."

"Just... drive."



"Jeez, ok!"

I turn my head and look out the window... when we pass Jason's house. Skylar and Jason are sitting on the front steps. Jason was holding Skylar who was covering her face... everything, even time seemed to slow down. Then I realize, Zach is actually slowing the car down.

"Dude... you should at least say a proper goodbye... I mean, they were your best friends right?"

"Were is the key word."

"Dude! I'm not gonna drive you the rest of the way if you're gonna be a shit to your friends."

"They're not my friends."

"Just humor me."

"Fine." I say, leaving my duffle bag on the floor, and getting out of the car.

"Sky... look." Jason whispers into Skylar's hair. She looks up, and sees me, her eyes soften, she gets up and gives me a tight hug, like the ones she used to give me when we were best friends.

"Are you staying?" She asks quietly.

"No." I respond in the same hushed tone.

"Then why are you here?" She asks pulling away, looking up at me.

"I thought it was the right thing to do, to say a proper goodbye." I see Sky's lip begin to quiver... as if she's about to cry.

Jason stands up, and walks towards me. "You're a stupid piece of shit, ya know that?" He says, then breaks out in a smile, I do the same. He comes closer and hugs me. "Bro... I'm gonna miss you." He says, I thought I heard his voice break.

"Let's not get all teary eyed and shit." I say back, feeling myself a couple of tears pressing behind my eyes.

"Please don't go." Sky says like a little kid, looking down at the ground.

"Sky... I have to, there's nothing here for me."

"There's us!"

"Not the way it used to be."

Sky just looks at me, with her big eyes, tears starting at the corner of her eyes. I hate seeing her cry... almost enough that I even consider saying I'll stay... even though I know I would never stay.

"Look... I gotta go..." I say, looking at them for the last time... ever.

Skylar buries her face in Jason's chest. Crying, because this time, I was the one hurting her, I was the one leaving her. He wraps his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. This image of them will forever be burned into my mind. Forever. Cause this is the last time, I'll ever see them.

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