Chapter 8

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Sometimes I give myself the creeps/sometimes my mind plays tricks on me/it all keeps adding up/I think I'm cracking up/am I just paranoid?/or am I just stoned?

I think I'm just stoned, Billie. I think to myself as I put out my joint. I get up to get a beer from my dad's fridge as I think back to when times were so much better. But then my thoughts go to when life started to go downhill for me.

"Jimmy!" Skylar calls from behind me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're the one who literally just ended things with me and then the next fucking second you're making out with my best friend!"

"You're the one who made me realize that I liked him and was just lustful towards you!"

"Oh! So I'm the one to blame?!"

"Jason tried talking to you! But you wouldn't listen!" She yells, taking a step closer. "Jimmy!" She exclaims, covering her hyper-sensitive nose. "You reek like pot and beer!"

My eyes widen. "No I don't."

"Are you... drunk?" she says, disgusted.

"No." I shake my head vigorously.

"Yeah, you are! Why do you smell like pot too?!"

"No reason."

"JIMMY! You know how I feel about that kind of stuff. That's it. I'm sick of your shit."

"What do you mean?! Today is just a bad day!" I say, panicking that I'm about to lose my last best friend.

"No, it's not just today. Lately you've been freaking out, over reacting to when I'm with Jason. You get over protective of me, as if you don't trust me-"


Skylar rolls her eyes and continues with the list of things I've done wrong. "Your temper always gets the better of you. I can't be with someone who snaps so quickly."

"Well, I can't be friends with someone who is such a slut."

Sky stares at me, tears forming in her eyes. "Fuck you, Jimmy. FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU! I NEVER LOVED YOU!"

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK WAS I TO YOU?!" I scream, getting in her face.

"A friend... someone to screw around with. Now you're just a fuckin memory. A beautiful fucking memory."

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