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//I woke up against the tree I was on, breathing heavy, with sweat all over me and having the feeling all my energy was drained. I had a nightmare about the circus. I had been living there since I was 15, the ring leader found me behind a building alone. So he took me in but life from them on had been a living hell. I remember my recent actions that happened last night.\\


I am twenty years old and back when I was 15; I was kept in a real circus to be the ring leaders slave. Every thing you can think of that relates to the concept of abuse, he has done to me. Everything down from beating me almost to death to raping me when he wishes.

Since I was a freak no one treated me like a normal person. I would get called names by everyone, they would make me do stunts I couldn't and didn't want to do, make me their personal servant, then to top it off I couldn't go anywhere outside of the circus. But mainly I couldn't leave the ring leaders tent unless there was a show or if I have to use the bathroom. I couldn't even go 1 inch out of the tent or else I would get punish. And the punishment was a living hell.

One night I had decided I had enough. I was going to leave for good. Sure I've already been through hell and back, and I was able to take what ever he threw at me but this time it was worse. After taking all his anger out on me he got a knife and drenched it in some type of gooey liquid and stared at me with this rage of lust and frustration. I tried to get away but he stabbed me and kept stabbing me until I didn't move. I had given up then. When he went to get more booze I went through the back part of the tent without a trace, well besides the drops of blood. When I came out there was a forest. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I ran, ran till I couldn't and to the point I couldn't hear the circus. I was resting under a tree to catch my breath until I heard the ring leader yell my name, which made me get up and run again to the point I couldn't hear him. I stopped again. While resting my body was numb from all the running and I couldn't move.  I felt my eyes feel heavy to the point when I couldn't keep them open. I felt a tingling sensation in the area the ring leader stabbed me at but I didn't bother. My eyes just closed shut.

Maybe forever I hope.


I woke up around a forest of mist. I calmed down my breathing but I still had a thin coat of sweat on me. I started remembering what I had accomplished yesterday made me fist pump in the air full of excitement. Pain shot through my body and I stayed there for a little bit. I was sore from the running.

I tried to get up but failed the first time because of how sore I actually was. The second time I got up I had succeeded by using help of the tree. I started waking with my trembling legs enjoying the view of the beautiful forest in front of me. It was enchanting.

I made it to a river and noticed a dead animal. When I walked up to it I started smelling all of the scents around me. The scent of the dead animal, the scent of the bad water, and the scent of the dead animals blood. Everything aroused me and it was coming to me all at once. I was only use to the scent at the circus. But the blood was the one that got me hyped up the most, that was because it was still fresh.

I remembered the last time I had blood. The beautiful delicious red liquid that living things make. I'm not a vampire. I just drink it because it's tasty. No nutritional value, no younger appearance, no powers, it doesn't help me stay alive, it's just tasty. But I can't have too much of it or else I'll be poisoned ike a dog getting water poisoning. Yes that's a thing. A better way to explain it, It's like candy, delicious but too much of it can cause diabetes. Weird but it's just my 'anatomy'. The blood was still fresh but I wouldn't take any chances, also the water wasn't looking that tasty either. It probably died from the water. I kept on moving forward.

While on the way I tried putting back my wings that had came out. And let's just say, my wings seem like they have a mind of their own! I gave up on my 5th try.

I had probably been walking for about 3 hours already and I am so tired but when I rest I just get even more tired. Either way I put it aside and focussed on what I'm going to do now. I already have successes on my life goal which was leaving that hell but seriously, what now? I seriously Do not even know what I'm going to do. I can't go out with all my features! Pale white skin, red Crimson eyes, visible fangs, black sharp nails, and not to mention gigantic my wings that won't go back into my fucking back!

Ugh is it me or is it getting dark? I have a weird black haze around my vision. I started getting really tired. Oh man I can't be giving out now! This always happens in the worst times!

I blacked out for what seems like 2 seconds then opened my eyes just for a little bit and my vision was badly blurry. I saw someone in front of me, I think he or she was talking to me but I closed my eyes before I could figure anything out.

I woke up in a dim lit room with my eyes trying to adjust. Once they adjusted I started looking around and realized I was in a tent. Oh shit I can't be back in the circus! I came so far!

Before I could do anything a little girl in a dress came in. When I met my eyes on her she gasped and ran out. Wait a minute! Did she just have horns?! Where the fuck am I!? I sat up ready to run but pain and soreness shot through my body as I came up.

Before I could get up the girl came back but behind her was a tall boy. The boy looked surprised but the girl looked up and said "I told you she was awake."

The boy looked at the girl them quickly looked back at me. "I'll go get John, stay here with her." the boy said then left with the girl following him.

I looked around and notice that I had an IV giving me fluids, I was in a hospital bed, and I was in a hospital room/ tent. I started getting panicky and tried getting out of the bed until the boy and the girl came back with two other guys.

"Don't panic! Those are helping you get better!" One of them said, I guess he was the doctor since he had a white trench coat.

"How are you feeling?" One guy said with a top hat., I guess he was the ring leader. I was too scared to talk and my throat is starting to fell really sore.

"John she can't speak, she has a sore throat" the little girl said. Little odd but she probably saw my files or something

"well let's get you ready to go to your tent because you are able to leave the clinic." The doctor said. I nodded and stood up only to be hit by a wave of dizziness and almost fell to the floor but someone caught me. I looked up and saw it was the boy who was with the little girl.

He lifted me up and I was leaning on him when the ringleader stepped forward. "well this is Gerard, he's one of my helpers and that over there is sunshine also a helper, they will escort you to your tent and show you around." he said with a smile I nodded and we all started to head our own ways.

"Since you can't talk, how about you talk in your head so I can know what your saying!" Sunshine said and I was getting confused by what she said. "I can read minds!" I kinda freaked out on what she can do but I believed her. "can you tell me about yourself?" I nodded. 'my name is Echo,  I came from another circus but ran away because I was being abused and now I'm here, how did I get here? Where am I?'

"Nice to meet you Echo! Well me and Gerard were getting some fresh water until we found you knocked out 10 feet from the river so we took you in. You have been asleep for 3 days because you were dehydrated. You are in a freak show! We are very nice and will not give you any harm." sunshine said with a smile. I smiled back and looked at Gerard who had been staring at me and looked away, wait is he blushing?!

"Well we're here!" I turned my attention to the tent that was all black. "This is your tent and me and Gerard are on either side of you!" 'Thank you' I said though my mind.

Once we got settled in we talked for a little bit (sunshine basically talking for me) then it started getting nighttime so sunshine and Gerard left which left me to myself. I was too tired to look around so I went to sleep and thought how amazing it is that I found people like me.

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