I hate surprises

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Emilys (pov)

I'm just about to flop down on my comfy bed and I hear my dad shout my name.
I almost growl out loud. You see, my dad is one of those strict fathers around. Both my parents are but my dad's just a bit too much. Did I mention he's also very overprotective?
To finish it off he looks like a bouncer from some really exclusive disco.
Anyway as I go downstairs, I can hear voices from the dining room. Yikes. It's only serious when they are in the dining room table ready for a family meeting.

y dad being my dad gets to the point without making small talks.

"Emily a friend of mine from highschool is coming to meet us tomorrow for lunch"
I raise my eyebrows. Really dad, that's the reason you made me come out of my room!
Obviously I don't voice my thoughts out loud, cause they'll be trouble if I do.
Dad continues. "Make sure to make her feel welcome"

E= "dad it's OK I'm sure we can make a good impressionand make her feel welcome,now please can i go to my room,please"

D="sure oh and one more thing she has a boy about Your age age and he is perfect"

M= "oh isn't that nice Emily at least you'll have someone your age to talk to"

I give them a fake smile,my biggest fake smile to block out the worry in my head.
OK I'm not only dealing with an adult I'm also dealing with a perfect teenage boys I don't mind boys but a teenager perfect boy!!! That is way too much.
I mean I can handle a woman I mean all I have to do is be nice,sweet and adorable like I already am so it's not gonna be that hard.I mean I can't act sweet,he'll think I'm a goody goody two shoes and I can't act adorable or he'll think I'm flirting. God this is gonna be hard 😭

I go and text a friend about my day hopefully she'll be able to help,maybe,don't know


E=hey lily my life is ruined

L=what happened 😧

E=my dad's bringing a work friend over

L=u worried?

E=yeah she has a perfect son and what if we don't get along
I mean he's perfect and I'm not 😢

L=u are perfect in ur own way I mean and I'm sure you'll get along grand just be yourself around him like you are around me boys are easier to talk to than girls u know

E=I guess, idk

L=well when are you meeting him

E=tomorrow,he's coming over for lunch

L=well good luck 😃

After the text is over I go to bed tomorrow's a big day,I hate surprises

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