Secrets Out

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Omg thank you so much for all your lovely text. It meant so much to me.... and the comments.
I'm continuing. Thanks so much love. I love you all for sticking with me
P.I'm sorry I changed the title to Carson lueders secrets  ~Kas

Emilys  (pov)

I scream as a pair of hands wrap my waist and makes me fall on the soft white carpet with their body on top of mine. As I was about to scream, a pair of hands slapped my mouth.
My screams we muffled. I try to push myself up but it's really hard to do so since the body on top of me weighs a ton. With all my strength I push the body off me and try to run. It pulled me by my leg, I get the perfume beside me and spray it on their eyes.

"What the hell, Emily"
That voice it sounded so familiar. The blonde hair made me wanna pull my hair in frustration. I can't believe I did that.

"Jordyn, I'm so sorry" I say flustered.

"Did you honestly try to kill me Em" she say rubbing her red eyes.

"I was gonna ask you the same"

"What made you think I was gonna kill you"

"The black head to toe outfit, climbing through my window, grabbing me, putting a hand over my mouth, not letting me move, grabbing my leg-"

"First of all the outfit is so I could blend in, second, climbing through your window was so your parents don't see, third, I was loosing my balance on the window so I had to grab you, fourth,  you were gonna scream so I had to cover your mouth, lastly, I had to grab you because you were gonna go to your parents"

" I'm sorry but what are you doing here so late"

"I'm here to talk about Carson and Cassy, I've heard Cassy went missing and I had to tell you the truth"

"Jordyn, you okay" I ask not knowing if her eyes are red from crying or from my perfume.

She sniffs confirming the suspicion.

"Em, Cassy is Carsons sister, she got adopted after she was born"


"I don't know the full story and neither does anyone else except the parents".

"Why didn't Carson or Cassy tell me"

I feel tears in my eyes again, why didn't they tell, didn't they trust me? Was I not worth it? Obviously Carson told Jordyn, why wouldn't he. She's beautiful and they have so much in common, they grew up together and they clearly has chemistry. Something I never had. He likes Jordyn but then again who doesn't.

"How do you know about it" I ask.

"Olivia told me but she doesn't know all of it and you cannot tell Carson about this, all he knows is he has a dead sister. He doesn't know Cassy is the sister"

"Oh, who's Olivia his girlfriend" I ask.

"Carsons sis, she's in college so she is barely home, you'll meet her soon" she laughed quitley.

As she's about to leave she hugs me and whispers "they found Cassy but she has amnesia, we'll see her tomorrow, you comming"

I nod and wave as she jumps out the window.

I look at my phone, there are about 30 texts from people saying they found Cassy but only one stands out. It's from Matt.
He wants to meet him tomorrow to see Cassy with everyone else. There's nothing from Carson.

I know it's a bad chapter but

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