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Johnnys  ( pov )

OH I can't get her out of my head. She is beautiful inside and out,with an angelic voice.
Darn it,I can't even remember her name. It was kasi. No it was,it was Casey! She is just so cute with her smile and everything. I was actually looking forward to meeting Em,but I wasn't sopose to see her today,I was meant to meet her at school. I'm really happy I met her today because I met the love of my life. OK,ok maybe that was a bit dramatic,but I really like her. Great I forgot to ask her for her phone number. I was actually was sopose to pay attention to Em,but let's just say Casey caught me off guard. Can't wait to see her again. I'm not talking to Carson about Casey because he is mad about Em and I don't think I should ask him about girl trouble because he's got girl trouble of his own.

Caseyes  ( pov )
Today's been an awesome day because I bumped into the new girl Em and she is as lovely as she looks. We became besties in a a second,it's amazing when you become so close to someone after seconds of meeting. I thought she was Carsons gf but I guess I was wrong. Speaking of Carson,we bumped into him and Johnny Orlando! My celebrity crush. He never noticed me before but he is gorgeous,we went to the sport shop together. I really didn't need to buy a pair of shoes,I just said it to keep on talking to him. It was really sweet of him when he offered to buy me a pair of shoes that were wayy too expensive. A few minutes later Em comes into the shop and finds us. She tells John that she and I have to go. I feel awful because I don't want to leave John,but I can't be too clingy. So I go with Em. Em asks me if I like John,she is the kind of person I trust so I tell her the truth.

We are in her room talking about boys. "Em do you like Carson lueders,please tell me the truth" I say. She sighs "I don't know I like him loads but I also like Matt. Whenever I'm with Carson,I always get asked if I'm his gf but when I'm with Matt,it's different. I'm not the kind of a girl Carson lueders would go out with,I know but I always like him but today he even told me I'm not his type. People expect us to be a couple but no one expects me and Matt to be a couple" she says
"I Understand what you mean and you are his type. Your lovely" I say truthfully.
"Awwww thanks,ok enough about me,let's talk about you and John" she says grinning at me.
"There's nothing to talk about,I just like him" I say. "Well,I'm amazing at match making" she says.
"Do you have any experience with it" I smirk. "Yeah my I helped my friend lily with her crush Sam" she says proudly.

It is late but Ems dad gives my mam a call to tell her that I'll be staying at a friends house for the night.

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