Chapter 5 : Plans(Part 1)

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Another day for Shido and the spirits.

"Kotori, see Kurumi in my room and say that breakfast is ready." Shido said.

"O-onni?? W-what? D-did you sleep w-with K-Kurumi?!" Kotori holds her own head and confused.

"Look, I'll explain later! Just ask Kurumi to eat breakfast!" Shido walks away while blushing.

On Kotori's side, she saw that his brother walks away. She brought her black ribbon from her room and wears it then hides the white one.

"Why the heck Shido slept with Kurumi?! Maybe... No! It can't be!" Kotori went to Shido's room as fast as possible but no one is in there.

"Where's Kurumi? Did she already left?" Kotori checked the whole room of Shido's.

"Oh well. I'm imagining things." Kotori walks out from Shido's room and closes it.


Shido eats his breakfast with himself. He is curious about Kurumi. His question cant make it out from his mind. The question is 'Why Kurumi wants to sleep with me last night?'. After finishing his breakfast, he went to his room and lays on his bed.

"I wonder where's Kurumi right now." Shido whispered.

With that thought, he is distracted by his little sister Kotori.

"Hey Shido! How many hours you'll lay down there?!" Kotori shouted.

After Kotori shouted to his brother, the spacequake alarm has been triggered.

"What the hell?!" Kotori looks surprised.

"Shido! Lets go to the headquarters!" Kotori said.

"Okay!" Shido replied then Kotori and Shido went outside of his room.

In the room of headquarter, Kotori went in and suddenly asks madly.

"Who is it now?!"

"Commander. We don't know who's behind this warning. But we managed to pinpoint the source of the spirit's power." Reine said.

"Shido!" Kotori glares.

"Yeah." Shido nods.

Shido was being teleported to the pinpointed place. After being teleported, Shido's feet was grabbed by some hands from the ground which made Shido frightened and shivers.

"Shido-san." Someone said in a romantic voice.

"W-who goes there?!" Shido mutturly asks.

Shido's surrounding becomes black as the girl licks Shido's earlobe and makes Shido more frightened. Shido cannot see the girl because of his surroundings become black.

"What the heck!!! Who are you??!!" Shido asks loudly while frightened.

"Don't worry Shido-san. I just want to have fun with you... I want to... have fun with your body." The girl giggles and makes Shido blush.

"W-what do you mean??" Shido asks.

Multiples of arms popped out from the ground and holds Shido's upper clothes then pulled to someone's bed. After holding for a bit, the arms torn apart Shido's shirt and makes Shido shut his eyes. The arms started to fade.

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