I can feel myself reverting to my usual facade, afraid to make a bad impression by being myself right away. Or ever, for that matter.

"That's very sweet of you...but honestly, kiddo, I think they're too heavy for ya." She sighs in a somewhat motherly manner and pats my back, simultaneously making a face as if to tell me I'm so cute for even wanting to attempt.

Yeah, tiny assassin is definitely a perfect nickname for her. Not that I could ever say it to her face, since that's probably the equivalent of asking for death.

I go ahead and let her pass in front of me, watching her as she surveys the place.

She rolls her suitcase over to my room immediately, and says, "I'll sleep here."

I almost hate to tell her that I sleep there.

"Oh, are these your things Eren?"

"Y-Yeah!" I say, smiling.

"Jean?" She says, turning to him. The look on her face tells me she's going to ask him for a favor.

"Yes?" He sighs.

"Can Eren move into your room?"

Wow, didn't see that one coming at all.

"Wait, where will I sleep, then?"

Him agreeing without protesting?? Now that is something that genuinely surprises me.

"On the couch?" She says, nonchalant.

Without another word, heads into my room and starts taking my clothes out of the drawers and folding them, placing them into my still open suitcase which isn't even completely unpacked despite that I've lived here for months already...

She pauses for a moment, eyeing some of my clothes quizzically, as if to question my taste. Her expression reminds me that I tossed all my women's clothes into the second-from-the-bottom drawer, and I rush over to get them.

"Here, let me help!" I say, noting that my voice sounds 2 octaves higher than it should've.

"What are you getting all jumpy for?" She asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well, I just have some clothes from certain jobs that are kind of embarrassing, so I didn't want yoo to find them and assume...something weird."

She nods as if in understanding, and I relax a little.

"Yeah, so," Annie starts casually, turning my attention to her. "Either you let me see them, or you put them on and wear them for me."

Well then.

"So if I show them to you, you won't make me put them on?" I ask, praying she'll agree.

She must've sensed my desperation, because her expression changes into that of a mischievous child.

"It depends, pretty boy. I won't promise anything." She lifts an eyebrow, communicating to me that she's intrigued.

God damnit. I might as well just put them on.

"Don't laugh. Same thing goes for you, horseface."

I reluctantly open the second to last drawer and take the bundle of clothes out.

"....I get the feeling that putting the clothes on already will save me a lot of time, so if you could step out..."

She gets up silently, and pats Jean's shoulder as she passes him, leaning in just a bit to whisper something I can't decipher.

I close my bedroom door, and sigh, undressing myself.

Suddenly looking down at my own body makes me feel embarrassed. I really don't want to put these on. How in the world did I ever agree to these kinds of things anyway? Oh right.

There's a Thin Line Between Hate and Love (JeanxEren)Where stories live. Discover now