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hey, it's me. you're probably not expecting a letter from me. i wasn't expecting it either. it just happened. i was just watching TV and then the next thing i know is that i'm sitting inside my room, writing this letter to you. i don't even know why i'm doing this. i'm assuming im taking advice from my therapist. she says its a way to cope. i shouldn't be doing this, but here i am, writing to you. i guess this is a way to let out of my feelings.

it's been two years since your death. its crazy how two years ago i found you bleeding on your bedroom floor. and the night before, i was with you, watching reruns of the office. i was shocked. i wasn't expecting it. as you told me your last words, my brain couldnt proccess it. then, you took your last breath and i couldn't believe it. you left me and the world.

i know it's been two years and that i should move on, but i can't. i miss you. i miss your beautiful laugh and smile. everywhere i go, you managed to pop up. whether it was a song on the radio, the scent of vanilla, or even just looking at myself in the mirror. you pop up and it hurts. you were my best friend that helped me with everything. not only you were my best friend, you werd my girlfriend. we were suppose to stick together and clearly, someone thought it should be broken.

there were so many things i never got to tell you, many things we didn't get to do, and all of that's on -a. whoever they are, they will pay. i just wish we could turn back time to the good old days. memories of you will always be stuck in my head. you were my first love, and the person i'll always love.

lillian misses you. we both miss you. she says we're like scott and allison from teen wolf and that i also looked like a character named theo. at first, i didn't understand (the scott and allison part, not the theo part) until she dragged me into watching a teen wolf episode. i bet you're up there laughing at me, probably thinking "oh my god, he's finally watching an episode of teen wolf." and yeah i am, for you. and let's just say, the episode was good and sad. in the end of the episode, it showed allison dying in the arms of her first love. and i finally understood why lillian thinks i'm scott and you're allison. you and allison both died and gave their last words to their first love.

i miss you, eliza and i hope one day i'll get to see you soon.


LETTERS,     mike montgomeryWhere stories live. Discover now