Chapter 1: We Begin.

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On a lonely road, a traveler wandered on through the night.

It was dark and a sliver of the moon shone through grimy grey clouds and briefly illuminated the traveler; a cloaked figure on a beaten path. The stars peered out and he looked up at the North Star, knowing he wasn't completely lost.

There were lights ahead, which was rare in the barren fields. And there was joyful music playing, along with the drunken laughter that is always present at pubs. The 'Merry Minstrel' was no exception to that rule.

The lone traveler stepped inside the pub and was briefly blinded by the bright lights and loud sounds. His ears were sensitive as were his eyes. No one paid attention to the traveler as he took a seat at a table close to the back. He had no intention of joining in with the 'fun'. It was not his style; and besides, he didn't have much coin on him for more than a drink and a room for the night.

The "Merry Minstrel" was very particular about the type of employee they selected. They needed young woman that would attract customers and keep them hanging around. Some customers, of course, got more attention than others depending on the cut of their clothes and the size of their tips. One of these barmaids, possibly new to the job, stood at the side trying to conceal herself with the serving tray she held.

The barmaid caught the traveler's eye and she walked over to him. She kept blinking like her eyes hurt or as if she couldn't see. Her face was red with shame as well as embarrassment and the barmaid kept glancing about her as if she was afraid of anyone seeing her in such clothing.

". . . E-e-excuse me, good sir. . . . Do you wish to order a d-drink?" She was certainly frightened, and her silver serving tray was held up to her chin trying to cover the low cut of her top.

The cloaked traveler glanced up, his hood covering his face with shadow. And with a quick movement he had shoved the table away from him and had arisen to his feet. He loomed over the barmaid, very intimidatingly while the rest of the tavern froze to see what was happening. The whole place seemed to hold its breath and the barmaid worried for her life.

His hand reached up.

And took hold of the clasp of his cloak and unclipped it. The dark clothe fell from his shoulders as he held the clasp of the cloak in his hand and stepped closer to the young woman.

"D-d-don't t-t-touch m-m. . . . ." She stuttered as she backed away; the man's appearance was horrendously frightening, and she had never see anything like him.

Ignoring her words, the traveler took another step forward.

His hands were quick and the sound of something cutting through the air was heard as the young woman shut her eyes closed for the worst.

Instead, she felt the warm embrace of a heavy cloak around her shoulders. She opened her eyes and saw the man's hands clipping the cloak around her.

"The seasons are changing, she should wear more or you'll catch your death of cold. You seem so fragile; I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." He sent a glare to every drunkard in the pub which was a warning.

The Tales of the Demon Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें