Engaged to Lord Voldemort part 2

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Okay guys, here it is!!

                                                      Voldemort's POV 

"Dumbledore was cleverer than you" Smirks Harry. I push down my anger as I know this is not true. My love, Smeagol has told me how great and wise and powerfull I am so many times I have begun to belive him. Of course, Smeagol can get me to agree to anything. He is just so sweet. And his eyes, bloodshot and large but undefiably gorgeous. I had zoned out on Harrys last sentance but now I roar. "I brought about the death of Albus Dumbledore!" And it is true! I did.

"You thought you did" Smirks Harry, "but you were wrong!"   "DUMBLEDORE IS DEAD!!" I scream. "His body decays in the marble tomb in the grounds of the castle, I have seen it Potter, and he shall not return!!" It all comes out in one breath, I cannot belive what Harry is saying, I cannot! I should finish him off! Should kill him! But I must hear what he has to say.

"Yes, Dumbledore is dead" Harry says quietly and I grin triumphantly untill he speaks once more, "You didn't have him killed", Harry continues, "He chose his own manner of dying, chose it months before he died, arranged the whole thing with a man you thought was your servant."  I dont belive his words. Severus was mine, my minon! "What childish dream is this?" I ask, because of course that must be what it is. just a childish dream.

"Severus Snape wasn't yours. Snape was Dumbledores. Snapes Patronus was a doe. Did you know that? He had the same patronus as my mother because he loved her for nearly all his life, from the time when they were childeren. You should have realised. But you know nothing about love."

Tears prick my eyes, he is wrong, so wrong. I know love. I know it all to well. And that is why I asked Smeagol to marry me. Because I am in love.

"It matters not!" I howl, anguished. "It matters not wheather Snape was a spy of mine or Dumbledores, or what petty obstacles they put in my path. I crushed them, as I crushed your mother, Snape's supposed 'Great Love'! Oh but it all makes sense Potter! and in ways you do not understand! Dumbledore was trying to keep the elder wand from me! He intended Snape to be the true master of the wand! But I got there first little boy! - I reached the wand before you did. I killed Snape! I am the true master of the wand!!"

| hear harry only distantly as he explains that as Draco disarmed Dumbledore, it belonged to him. Then he goes on to say that he took Dracos wand. It accepted him. He is the true master of the ELder Wand. It is only then that I realise it. I am going to die today, right here, right now. And I accept it. I just wish I had had the chance to see Smeagol one more time.

I decide to honour Smeagol by going down with dignity. I raise the wand. Harry says something but I dont quite hear it before I scream my spell.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!" "Expelliarmous!" Screams potter and I see the wand fly from my hand as if it is in slow motion. I hear a cry from the crowd.

Smeagol! "NO!" I yell. "SMEAGOL!!"

It is too late. He jumps. He is holding our engagement ring in his hands as he is hit by both spells.

His eyes roll back in his head. He is dead

. I fall to my knees and sob. I am still crying when Ginny fires a spell at me. Arvada Kedavra.

It hits me like a black wave and the world dissapears. "Smeagol, I'm sorry.." I whisper as I sink out of the world.

                         "I'm Sorry........................................................................."

A/N: Aww! that was so sad! I cried while I wrote that! And I never planned for either of them to die! They were supposed to live happily ever after but...... Then they died! I'm sorry guys!!

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