Chapter 17.

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HEY GUYS!!!! ITS DUNIA! So I'm updating the next chappie! I hope you like it. It's short but it has some cute parts and a sad one... So prepare... I don't know if you'll cry cuz I'm not a mind reader.... But Enjoy! :)

Dunia's POV-

Gabby is gay... I'm happy for her don't get me wrong. But what Liam? He is so sad now... Gabby was his girlfriend and he saw her kiss another girl from the stage. That must've hurt. Ethan and I are laying in bed. Before you say anything, No we didn't do anything. Maybe shared a few steamy kisses but the farthest we got was Ethan's shirt on the floor... We are taking it as they say it "slow". Don't get me wrong Ethan's great and I care for him but I don't want to give him something I can't take back just yet. 

"Dunia." He whispered. "Hmm?" I hummed My head is laying on his chest and he was playing with my hair. "Do you love me?" He asked. I was taken back "Well it depends..." I said unsure of myself getting off his chest and sitting criss cross beside him. "On?" He asked doing the same infront of me. "If you love me." I said grabbing his hand starting to play with his fingers. He watched me in amusement.  "What if I said I do?" He asked "I would say I love you." I told him. 

"Dunia I love you more then anything." He told me taking my hand in his and kissing it while he looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes. "I love you Ethan. You don't even know." I said to him. A smile grew on his face. "Really?" He asked. I nodding biting my lip. "Jesus don't do that Dunia." He gasped. I blushed and looked down at my lap playing with my fingers. He places a finger under my chin and lifted my head up. "No I liked it.... I really liked it." He said looking down at his lap. I looked down and... "Oh" I said blushing even more. He chuckled layng down. "Come 'ere." He said patting the spot beside him. I layed down beside him wrapping my arms around his waist. "Goodnight Bunny." He said. I giggled. "Bunny?" I asked. tracing his abs. (I don't know if he really has abs. I'm not a creeper. o.O hhehe) "Yes. Bunny. Now shush up and go to sleep." He told me."Fine I'm going to call you Bear for now on." I said. "Bear?" He said confusion clear in his voice. "Yes Bear. Because you're my teddy bear." I said  "Okay then." He said. You could hear the smile in his voice which caused me to smile. "Goodnight Bear." I breathed falling asleep to the sound of his heart. "Goodnight Bunny." He said and with that I fell asleep with a smile upon my face.

Liam's POV-

I'm layining in this cold and empty bed. I feel lonely. I wish Gabby was here to cuddle with me. But she's gay... What did I do to make her leave me? I thought we were perfect for each other. Apparently not. I sighed I guess we just weren't ment to be. I shifted on my side looking out the window. A few tears fell out of my eyes. 

Gabby. Why couldn't you have loved me like I love you?



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