4: Technically

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Y/N's PoV

"It so so awesome to meet you? Wait did you by any chance here a bit of our conversation?" Casey said.

"All of it." Ben said.

"Casey do you want to join me in jumping out the window?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." Casey said he was blushing and probably so was I.

"And leave me to sit next to some other strangers? No thank you." Ben said.

"Why would that matter you don't know us, and we probably sounded like psycho fans earlier." I said.

"I know he has the same name as my brother. And believe me I've had worse, for example have you read some of the fan fics online? Whoever writes a fan fic about me must have a sad life because why me?" Ben said.

"First of all I'm sorry I never introduced myself I'm F/N L/N." I said.

"And I'm Casey Tony Collins." Casey said.

"You sure you're not Casey Affleck." Ben asked.

"I wish." Casey said. After we started to talk about retro video games somehow, through out our conversation I kept thinking is this real. Then we talked about the bookBen was reading, it turned out that I read that book not so long ago. The thing that most amazed me was the large amount of things Ben and I had in common, things that I wouldn't ever know he liked if I didn't talk to him. At one moment I thought to myself that actually it's not bad that this flight is so long, I get to sit next to BEN AFFLECK for that long. Then the thought that Ben was earlier sleeping on my shoulder came to me, I felt like o was going to explode. I started to overthink it: I was sleeping, Ben was sleeping, he had his head on my shoulder meaning there was body contact. Meaning we technically slept together. I technically slept with Ben Affleck.

A/n: I'm sorry I didn't update but I was ill and writing wasn't at the top of my list when I was ill. But now I'm feeling a bit better and stopped being sick. So time to write.

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