Phase 16: Double Dating

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I glance at Yumi as we walk together to meet up with Kise and Kasamatsu. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

She shakes her head and replies. "It's nothing, I just wasn't expecting you to dress up and everything. I mean, you look really nice, but..."

"If I'm going to go through this, I might as well do so properly," I reply with a sigh. I smirk. "Besides, it's well worth the effort. Moriyama-senpai has to dress up in a maid uniform and profess his love to any girl that passes him on the street for three hours of my choice. I'll be choosing the hours around rush hour of course."

She laughs weakly. "You really look like you're enjoying yourself," she replies.

"It's just a bit of harmless fun," I reply with a dismissive wave of my hand. "Besides, knowing Moriyama-senpai, he'll probably end up enjoying it anyways."

"I-I can kinda see that..." she replies with a weak smile. She looks at me curiously. "So what would have happened if you'd lost?" she asks.

"Oh, I'd have to go out on a date with Moriyama-senpai," I reply as we reach the theater.

Even before we can greet the two guys, Kise bursts into tears in a somewhat comical fashion. "But, Kimikocchi!" he whines.

"What?" I reply with a sigh.

He continues to whine incoherently.

"It's not as though it matters. It's more like getting a free meal than anything else," I say indifferently. "It's hard to take him seriously, and besides, I'd just kill him during practice the next day if things were to get bad."

Kasamatsu replies, "If things get bad, just let me know. I'll kick him."

I smile. "Why not both?" I reply.

Kise waves his arms around frantically. "Wait, wait, that's too evil!" he exclaims. He seems to realize something and he whines, "Wait! Since when do you two get along that well?!"

"This again?" I ask. "Isn't it getting repetitive?"

Yumi laughs softly and smiles. "Anyways, should we go get tickets now?"

"G-Good idea," Kasamatsu replies.

"Kise and I will get food," I decide. "You two can get the tickets." I drag Kise away before Kasamatsu can protest.

As I stand in line with Kise, he comments, "You're surprisingly good at this." 

"Naturally," I reply. He looks shocked for a moment, so I continue, "All of this is just psychology anyhow." An idea comes to mind as we make it to the front of the line. "For example..." I begin. "Two popcorns and two sodas please," I order. I nudge Kise forward when it's time to play.

He looks at me blankly.

"We're on a date s-"

Kise pays immediately. I didn't even have to finish...

"Like I was saying-- psychology." I fold my arms. "Now then, to assure a sound victory." I walk over to Yumi and Kasamatsu before promptly plucking the tickets out of Kasamatsu's hand. "Sorry, Senpai, but you got the wrong tickets."


I turn to the man working in the ticket booth. "Sorry, sir, but could you please exchange two of these tickets for the horror movie?"

He nods and exchanges the tickets.

"Thank you very much," I say with a smile before handing Kasamatsu the horror movie tickets and the food Kise got. "Have fun." With that, I grab Kise's arm and drag him away. "I've won already," I say confidently as we take our seats.

"I don't get it," he says.

"Yumi is terrified of horror movies. Senpai should be fine with the movie, but he's scared of girls. Both of their hearts will be racing for the next two hours, thus creating the suspension bridge effect for both of them," I explain.

"Oh, I get it!" he exclaims.

I nod approvingly. I'll be getting a lot of free meals from this.

"You're getting food, aren't you?" he asks almost accusingly.

"That's right. The whole team doubted me," I reply with a smirk.

"No," he says suddenly.

I raise an eyebrow. "No?"

"Ask them for money," he says. "I'll take you out instead."

"Oh?" I ask. "Is that so?" I consider it for a moment and nod. It's all the same to me, I suppose. "Alright then." 

"Really?" he asks. His eyes light up and I nod. He beams at me and after a moment of incessant grinning, he asks, "By the way, what are we watching today?"

"A take on a classical piece of literature," I reply.

He hangs his head and sighs. "Sounds tiring." 

"I'm kidding, it's some sort of action movie," I tell him. "It's not quite my cup of tea, but it seemed to be something that you'd enjoy."

"You did this for me?" he asks excitedly.

"Obviously. I was the one who invited you out after all, so it's only proper," I look away. "After our movie ends, we can go to whatever karaoke place  you usually go to."

He jumps up and hugs me suddenly. "You know me so well!"

I elbow him. "Obviously."  

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