Chapter 5

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   I hear coughing in the room that Katie is in, I run into the room. she is waking up!! "MOM, DAD, KATIE IS AWAKE" they both come running. Mom unwraps her arm to check on the healing. "She is doing better, Lets try and get her to walk"

"She just woke up, isnt it a little too early for her to be walking?"

"We have to leave today or tomorrow, She has to walk."

I roll my eyes, I still think its too soon

We grab Katies arms and hoist her up. She yells in pain, so we put her back down. 

"I told you lets atleast wait a day or maybe even 2"

"Fine." Mom says impatiently

I spend the rest of the day sharpening our kitchen knifes and highlighting inspirational quotes from old books until its time for bed.

The sun finally comes up, man I swear the nights are so much longer now that the zombie apocalypses is here. I thought all the movies were joking when they said "The nights are longer and the days are shorter" 

I get my gun from the table and tuck it into my pants before i go to check on Katie. 

I open her door and mom already beat me to her. I stand in the doorway awkwardly, its quiet.

"Hows your hand?" I try to break the silence

"It hurts, but im alive" She has no emotion in her voice.

"We found a sniper the other day"

"MY SNIPER?!" she sounds angry

"Yeah, is that ok-" She cuts me off

"Did you shoot it!? she says wide eyed

"No, we just used the scope. Thats it"

"Good. We dont need to get another limb cut off." there is a long pause, "Im just lucky that it was my hand, not my whole arm"

I ran out of things to say.

"Want to go for a walk?" I ask

"Ehh, sure. I could really use the fresh air."

She got herself up as if she was perfectly fine and we walked out the door.

I have no idea what to say, normally I shoot right into a joke but she doesnt seem to be in a 'joking mood'

"We should go back before it gets dark" Katie adds


As we walk back there are 4 biters at the front door

"SHIT," I whisper

"Is their a back door?"

"No." I frown

"But there is a window" I add with a smirk

"So what do u suggest? We break the window?" she says jokingly

"Well i dont see any other way!! If you have an idea in under 2 minutes than I am open to new suggestions"

She sighs and we both sneak behind a bush into the backyard, we find a window on floor level and try to open it. It is locked.

"If we break the glass it will make noise and attract more of them" Katie looks worried, which is making me worried... I dont know what to do. "We could risk our lives and break the window or we can risk our lives and kill the biters infront of the door," i say, "But we have to choose one now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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