Chapter 3

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  About 2 months have passed...

We are out of food already. None of those things bothered us within those 2 months but this one day, an old man was screaming for help and running through the neighborhood. He was being chased by a herd of biters. I stopped counting after 47 biters. We turned out the lights and locked ourself in the bathroom until it was the next day and everything quieted down.

"I thought this would last months!" My mom says, licking cheddar popcorn butter off her finger tips.

"We should go out and get some food," Katie states "I can go if youd like?" She adds.

"Are you sure?" My mom sounds like she is uncertain about her going out to get food "Tara, Bill, How about you go with her?"

"When should we go?" my dad says cocking his gun.

"Now would be good, its not too safe when its dark" Katie says pulling a large knife out of her backpack and hanging a bow around her neck with 2 arrows tucked in her right pant leg.

"Okay, Be safe" my mom says kissing our foreheads

We quietly close the door and walk outside for the first time in what feels like decades.

It is still cold out and there is a thin blanket of snow still on the ground but most of it had melted.

There are only a few biters lerking around, but its nothing too dangerous. We all hid behind bushes and tried our best to not get noticed by any biters. We finally get to the food market but there is a creeper infront of the door. "We have to get passed that some how" I say. Katie smirks and takes out a bow and arrow like she does it every day, she always said she was a "good shot" but I didnt know she was serious about it.

She got him in the ear-its walking twards us... My dad shot him in the head with his gun. "Are you crazy?," she yells in a whisper "These things are attracted to noise!! Biters heard that from miles away and now they are all on there way!"

We wait 5 minutes too see if there are any biters inside the store

"OH. MY. GOD," I say, almost crying "LOOK!" I scream, pointing to the herd of creepers walking in our direction, some are faster than the others. "Get into the store, theres no way to get out of this" my dad yells while pulling us into the store and baracading the doors with whatever he could find so nothing gets in. "Great! Just great! We are all gonna d-" Katie cuts me off and shakes me back and forth screaming "No we wont, we will get through this!" I wish I could believe her, but I would be lying to myself if I did, watching the biters scratch and hit the door is really making me thinking that we are gonna become like on of them if we dont get what we need and get out of here.

"Find anything with lots of protien. We need to stay in shape, even when the world may be ending."

I remember the creepers gnawing at the glass doors, making me worry that they are gonna bust open the glass and bite us like that man did to poor Frankie, "NO" I think, "He isnt a man. He isnt anymore atleast... All he is now is a corpse that will continue to kill and kill and kill until there is nothing left to kill."

"Are you done yet?" My dad yells from the fruit snack isle

"CRAP," I think to myself "I got so caught up in thinking of Frankie and death that I lost track of time"

"Give me a second, dad." I yell

"AAAHHH" I hear a high pitched scream come from the alcohol isle "HELLLLLLLP"

Its Katie! I run past every isle trying to find the one with Katie in it

"AAAAHHH" She screams, this time its a scream of pain.

Her bow is on the other side of the isle but there is a arrow infront of me...

"The brain" I think to myself, it becomes a chant "The brain. The brain. The brain"

I pick up the arrow and stab the creeper in the head, the arrow slides in my hand and gives me splinters and the creeper is bleeding all over Katie's stomach

I look at Katie and her arm is bleeding just above the wrist.

"OH SHIT" I say, trying to not think about death and my best friend in the same sentence "DAD!"

He comes running over. He has rope in his left hand and a cart ful of foods in the right. He drops the food and grabs her wounded arm. He is mumbling things to himself that is hard to understand "We need to cut it off." He says with a straight face but he looks like he is about to faint. "Wha-" katie is cut off by a cough "We need to cut it off right now or she could becomes one of them" "How do we know if it will even work!?" "We dont know, but if im correct, this infection starts with the bite than slowly spreads from there. We have to try, Its now or never, Tara. Do you want her to be like them?" He points to the door with the same creepers from before clawing at it. I think about it, either we just let her turn into a living nightmare or I cut it off and take the risk of her still dying, with possibly more of a chance of her dying "Give me the knife" I say to my dad. As he hands it to me I try to not cry, He ties the rope around her left arm just above the bite. Katie is praying, squeezing her eyes closed as tight as humanly possible. "No, no, there has to be another way! You cant just- We have to- come on-" Shes studdering badly.

"Im sorry." I say to her. I close my eyes and "AAAHHHHHA" Katie screams as I yank the knife out of her wrist. I close my eyes and even harder I slice into her arm "AHHH-" She passed out. Her hand is still semi-attached, I squeeze my eyes closed as hard as I can, and slam the knife to whats left of her wrist. I felt the ground through the knife this time, her hand is off. "She's bleeding!" I plead, looking at my hands and seeing a coat of red, sticky stuff, blood. My dad takes off his shirt and wraps it around Katie's arm to stop it from bleeding than we both lift her up to try and find an exit. We look back to see that the doors have just busted open and the biters are piling on top of eachother infront of the open door. "Run!!" my dad yells, its really hard to run while holding a girl and being chased my flesh eating monsters. We finally find an exit but its locked. "Break it" I suggest. I realize how obvious my suggestion was. "Theres nothing to use" My dad replies out of breath. "Yes there is." I say. I put down the basket of food and kick the glass on the door. The biters are getting closer and closer every second. Its not opening. On the fourth kick it still doesnt open, we are out of choices. The biters are 5 feet away from us, more and more of them joining the group. "Watch your head: my dad says squinting his eyes, he shoots the glass and it shatters everywhere, I pick up the basket and we escape just in time. The biters are all trying to squeeze themselves through the door at once.

We run home before we could get ourselves in anymore trouble. When we open the door we see my mom and brother barricading the windows and doors, "Mom!" I holler "Oh my god, Kat-" I cut her off "No time, help!" We clear the same table we cleared for my math teacher and set her down on the table. "She lost a lot of blood, She's unconscious" My mom says calmly. How can she stay calm? I think to myself Her hand is gone!

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