Chapter 4

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Its been a few days and Katie hasnt woken up yet.

Mom and Dad said that its possible she wont be waking up anytime soon, or if she did than she would most likely be a flesh eating creeper. Its almost Spring, Dad said we should try to go to a less crowded area... It would be safer he says.

We have only been outside once since the beginning of the end of the world started because of all the creepers limping around, We went through Katies bag today and found a sniper so dad decided to go to the roof and scope out some biters... I do feel bad about rummaging through her things, but I was bored and there is a possibility she wont be waking up anytime soon. Frankie was found stabbed in he head next to his house, the Albert family was all spotted hanging from a tree in their backyard with some biters trying to eat them. Its sad watching them jump and reach for their bodies. After watching the biters, I notice Toby wasnt hanging there with his family... Where is Toby? I want to go to his house and see if he is still there but part of me doesnt want to risk my life too see if someone is okay, no one should try to play hero in this new world. But Toby is really cute and helpful.. Maybe I should go see if hes still there. When it gets darker and its my turn to watch out for biters I climbed out the window and ran to Tobys house. His door was unlocked so I walked in with my gun ready to shoot. I have to move quick because I dont want mom or dad to notice that im missing and start yelling at me for going to look for Toby. They never liked him because they thought he was a bad influence but I really liked him. I hear a loud sob come from the kitchen. "Here goes nothing.." I think to myself "3...2...1" I bust open the door and see Toby jump back holding a knife "Oh my god. Tara what the hell are you doing here" His voice is deeper than usual probably from crying but his british accent covers up the pain in his voice. "I came to see if you were okay.." I see him smile a bit but he tries his best to hide it. "Are you safe here? You can come with me and my group if youd like." He shakes his head. "My family is gone.." He looks out the window to see his family hanging there. "I know but you have to keep moving.. We are leaving town soon. It isnt safe here. You are more than welcome to join us." His smile widens "I mean, If theres enough room than id love to join y'all."     "Great. Ill see you tomorrow. Stay safe." I say. I hug him tightly and sneak back into the house.

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