Dose of Repurcussions

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Bucky watched on in annoyance as Sam swung his club at the neon-colored ball. Sam let out a howl of victory as he struck his target, while Bucky merely rolled his eyes and Steve laughed at the expression on his best friend's face.

The two of them had picked Bucky up at Marlena's house several hours ago, and after stopping for a quick lunch and a mall visit, the two proceeded to drag him to a mini golf course. It had originally been Sam's idea at first, as he wanted some way to annoy the super-soldier before heading back to work, and he knew mini golfing would do just the thing. Bucky hated mini golf; he hated the whole concept of mini golf, and Sam loved more than anything that he was able to use that against him.

"Hole in one, baby," Sam exclaimed as he raised his club in the air. "It's your turn, Sergeant."

Bucky let out a sigh and stepped forward, gripping his club tightly in his metal hand. "I am a ninety-nine year old man trapped inside the body of a thirty year old; surely there are better things for me to do with my time than hit colorful balls with a club," he grumbled as he swung at the blue ball on the ground. He swung a bit too hard, however, and the golf ball-sized hole in the cement back drop only helped to confirm that.

"Whoa there, big guy," Steve chuckled, removing the club from Bucky's hand. "Don't be mean to the balls; they're innocent. If anything, be mean to Sam. This was his idea after all."

Bucky rolled his eyes and leaned back against the railing, "I had a hunch."

"Now wait a minute," Sam started, throwing his hands up in surrender. "In my defense, Cap agreed to it, so he's at fault, too."

"You're both idiots."

"I guess name calling is better than being beaten with a club," Sam shrugged.

Bucky raised a brow, "Maybe if Steve wasn't keeping my club hostage you'd know."

"Harsh," Sam muttered, twirling his club around in his hand. "So, how's that cute little muffin of yours doing?"

"First you bring me golfing and then you're gonna call the love of my life cute in front of my face?" Bucky asked with a raised brow. "I thought you were smarter than that, Wilson."

"Only on the battlefield," Steve called as he swung his club.

Sam shook his head at Steve's remark. "I didn't mean it like that; she's like an annoying little sister to me. Thinking about what you're insinuating is just really. . .gross."

"Good, let's keep it that way," Bucky smirked. "But she's fine as far as I know. She struggles, though, and she tries to conceal it from me, but I know her better than anyone. I think she believes she's sparing me the apparent burden of her problems by not talking to me about them, but Wanda tells me everything—or some things anyway."

"Well, you know Marlena—always putting others' problems before her own."

Steve let out a sigh as he listened to the pair talk about his young friend. "Is she still having nightmares?"

Bucky nodded, his brows furrowing as he recalled moments in which Marlena would wake up screaming. She never would talk to him about what they were about, but Bucky didn't need her to tell him anything. He knew, at least to certain extent he did. "They're less frequent, and I assume by the lack of screaming that they're less frightening as well, but they're still there."

Steve frowned and shook his head. "I still can't imagine how it must've been for her. She stood and watched as yet another member of her family was taken from her, not to mention she had to deal with the mental and physical stress of being involved in one of the most dangerous battles the team has ever been in."

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