Bonding With Kankri

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Kankri had you for the day, and decided to teach you about the history of the Vantas family. Naturally, you didn't really understand what was coming out of his mouth, so you just sat on your little grubby butt and listened happily to your new big brother. Boy did he talk a lot.

"So, (Name), the Vantas are a strong willed, peaceful family who try to change the world by leading them in actions and in words! Signless was the first of our mutant blood to carry out this, by speaking to other low bloods, and sharing powerful lessons of friendship, and love... Furthermore...." He rambled on and on.

You giggled and clapped as he talked, motivating him to continue talking happily. Kankri was more then happy to talk on and on! Finally, someone who would listen to him!

It was about an hour later when Kankri noticed something. You haven't cooed or made any noise... You haven't moved at all... He poked your cheek, and you left out an adorable snore. You were sleeping, with your eyes open...

"(Name) Vantas that is very triggering to me! I am trying to share some wonderful history with you, and you just fell asleep!" He continued to ramble. You slept through the whole lecture, but who could blame you?

Baby Crab (Vantas Family X Grub!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now