Chapter 5: The Quest

Start from the beginning

 You must go through that gate and it will take you to the unstable ant dimension where you will find and attempt to kill the most monstrous beast on the server, the queen

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You must go through that gate and it will take you to the unstable ant dimension where you will find and attempt to kill the most monstrous beast on the server, the queen.

You have 5 days to complete that task and don't even think about doing something that will allow you to cheat otherwise there will be consequences.

Well have a fun journey and return back safe my love Bailey everyone else well if you come back good for you but if you don't hurray!!

The Hacker

I looked up at everyone else with tears in my eyes.

"What are we going to do?" I cried.

Dan's POV.

I watched my best friend cry with so much adoration and hurt I looked over at the guy who created the game in the first place. Now I was pissed.

"So you mean to tell me that this freak named The Hacker has taken over the system and now you have no control over the capsules so this dude could kill them if he wanted to" I growled lowly.

"I am sorry sir but that is what is happening" he replied back as if he didn't care.

"Well what are you doing to fix it" Maddie, Joel and Bailey's other sister, said almost on the verge of tears.

"We have some of the best analysts in the world working on it" he said.

"What about our visual coverage?" I asked.

"Well as you can see on the monitor the website we set up for fans to watch is still online and we cant shut it down we have the ability to view individual players or groups but we cannot communicate with them at this point in time" the guy said.

"This isn't getting us anywhere we need to find this guy now" Phil said frustrated.

"Mr. Lester we are trying our hardest to save your friends you just need to be patient" he told him.

"How can I be patient when my friends lives are on the line when we could be doing something" he said standing up and storming out.

"I guess we are done here" I said as I walked Maddie who was staying with us out the door and after Phil who was leaning against a wall in order to calm down.

Bailey's POV.

We had begun preparations in order to start out journey. Currently Lizzie, Mattie, Yammy, Ashely, and i were all making food and storing it in back packs for us to carry.

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We will be leaving tomorrow so we will have 3 days to find and kill the queen

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We will be leaving tomorrow so we will have 3 days to find and kill the queen. This is going to be a really hard challenge.

The boys were off putting up defense systems and moving some of the houses closer together who were to far away for safety reasons. I have a feeling that we are going to be here for a while.


Sorry about the late update I haven't been home recently. Due to volleyball and then my grandma who had stomach surgery just got hone from the nursing home she was staying st so I have been at her house with no wifi for 2 days this past weekend. Well I will see you all next Sunday for another exciting chapter of Trapped in Minecraft!!

Question of the Chapter: What country are you from?

I'm from the U.S.!!!!!

The Story-Teller

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