The only problem with Sina was the size of the place. It was enormous and I had never walked so far on my own. Yes, I frequently ventured into town, but I never dared to pass more than seven blocks, so that I could find my way back.

Looking around me, I soon realised that I was lost. The stalls were unfamiliar and the road was different.

The thought had crossed my mind to ask for help, but the people in Sina weren't the nicest of people at all, many thieves or thugs, and others were simply unapproachable. They just had this look about them that scared me.

I decided to walk further by myself to find the orphanage on my own accords as the people weren't an option.

I kept walking and walking as the sun got lower in the sky and the crickets began chirping. I was long lost by this point. My feet were aching and my stomach grumbling. I found and staircase on the side the road, down an ally way and began descending down them. If I found somewhere to sleep, I would be able to find my way back the next day.

I hit the bottom step with a thud and looked up at my surroundings. It was an underground city. Torches were lit everywhere and children were running around, while their parents were off to the side. I stood there in shock at the place I had just discovered.

Unsure, I took a few strides towards the other people. I kept walking until I was deep within the city under a city. It was strange that I had never heard of this place before. It was like Sina, but less clean and was lit by torches, not the sun.

As I was observing, I wasn't watching where I was going and walked into someone's back. I assumed it was a boy as he was much taller and was wearing mostly black. He turned around and towered over me with his steel, grey eyes piercing into my hazel brown ones. I felt small and insignificant as I stood there motionless.

"What's wrong with you?! Watch where you are going kid, you might get yourself into trouble!" He yelled furiously.

"U-um I-I'm sorry!" I stammered. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. It had been and long day and I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.

He simply laughed at me until he realised that I was crying. He watched as tear slid down my cheek. His face softened. He was beginning to look more sympathetic as he realised that he had made a girl cry.

"I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. I didn't think you would react like that." He said. Once I heard this, I glanced up at him. He seemed genuinely sorry.

Looking at him properly, I noticed he had jet black hair, styled into an undercut. He also had several small bruises and cuts on his hands. He looked about fifteen, but was rather short and muscular. He was wearing dirty, black, pants, a white shirt and black vest. He also carried a small hand knife in his belt; probably to defend himself.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I've had a b-bad day." I stuttered.

"My name is Levi. What's yours?" He asked as he put out his right hand.

"Mia. My name is Mia" I said as I shook his hand. He had a tight grip, but I didn't mind.

"Do you have anywhere to sleep Mia? He asked.

"No." I answered simply, my face dull and tired.

"You may sleep in my house if you would like. It would be my way of saying sorry for being such a dick to you." He said.

I laughed at his choice of wording than reluctantly nodded my head. He flashed me the slightest smile, the quickly returning to a dull and disinterested expression. He took my smaller hand in his larger one and led me further into the city.

He stopped at a staircase that branched off to two different houses.

"My friend Farlan is probably in there, but don't worry, I will explain." He said reassuringly.

He went up the stairs and turned left. He pushed the door down with ease and walked inside. I followed in after him.

It was surprisingly clean inside, unlike the rest of the underground city. Each surface had been dusted quite recently and there were no dirty dishes at the sink.

Levi gestured to sit down at one of the wooden chairs at the dining table while he went into the other room. I obeyed him and sat on the hard chair, tapping the table nervously. Levi came back into sight after about two minutes with another boy, who I assumed was Farlan.

Farlan had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was also much taller than Levi, but looked to be around the same age of fifteen, judging by facial features.

"Hello Mia." he said and smiled at me. From this I gathered that it was alright with him, for me to stay the night. I felt a load off my shoulders and sighed, relieved at the situation.

Levi walked towards me and pulled out the chair.

"I can do it myself." I said

"No you can't." He mocked. "It's too heavy for you."

Initially, I felt hurt, but then I noticed that Farlan was smiling and so was Levi. This must just be his personality, I thought. Cocky.

I got up from the chair and followed Levi into a small open room. It had a single bed and wooden wardrobe in the corner. As bare as it was, the bed looked like a cloud compared to the ones at the orphanage. I climbed onto the bed and sat against the wall. I glanced up at Levi who was hovering above me with a careful eye.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked. His eyes widened.

"Because I yelled at you and made you cry." I blushed, remembering that I cried in front of a boy.

"It was my fault because I bumped into you." I stated.


That was all he said before walking out of the room and turning off the light. Slumber was begging to take over my body as I rolled the duvet down and slid into the soft, white covers. I closed my eyes and was asleep as quick as a flash.

You're mine, right?-Levi Ackerman(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now