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Sam paced around his apartment, trying to walk off the anger built up inside of him. He was interrupted by a ring of the doorbell. Seeing Vivienne through the peephole, he sighed and swung the door open.

Her arms were crossed, "I'm here to talk."

"About you ignoring me, right?" Sam reciprocated the action.

Vivienne pursed her lips to one side, contemplating about where she was going to start. She walked through the doorway and kicked behind her to shut the door, "Have you ever heard of leaving someone alone when they send you to voicemail? Or sending them a text that says, 'I have something important to talk to you about.' I was busy. You're not the only busy one in this relationship. I don't leave a hundred calls and texts for you when you're at practice or hanging out with the guys. Just give me this one time, Sam. What was so important that you needed to bombard my phone anyway?"

"What was so important that you needed to send me to voicemail?"

"If you really need to know, I went to lunch with Nick today."

Sam felt the anger boil up inside of him again, "Nick?"


"Why?" Sam knew he was so much better than that kid, she didn't know why Vivienne would be averting her attention to Nick instead.

"Aww, are you insecure?" She brushed her hand over his cheek, giving him a grin and scrunching her nose in amusement.

Sam just rolled his eyes, "It's not funny. Why were you with him?! Are we breaking up again? Is that what this is about? You're tired of me?"

She let out a laugh and held his face, "Listen to me. It's not you. It's me. And I don't mean this in an I'm-breaking-up-with-you way. I mean this in a I'm-tired-of-the-same-damn-routine way. Nick is a hometown boy. Him and my brother are close friends. My family doesn't visit me, and the only people I see these days are you and the girls. It was nice to see someone new, Sam. If you could trust me, I would be very happy. You don't have to blow up on me every time I break the routine."

He smiled, "God. Okay. I just got scared for a second, and it turned into anger. I love you, and I'm sorry. I just don't want you to leave again." Sam pulled her in and kissed the top of her head.

"So you did feel insecure." Vivienne mumbled against his chest.

Sam just continued to hold her, "Don't push it. I'm being nice."


Johnny slept on Paige's chest while her laptop was resting on her thighs, working on a paper. The two were hanging out before his game tonight, and Johnny refused to break his pregame routine. Her phone rang on his nightstand, and Paige stretched herself ever so carefully, making sure she didn't wake Johnny up. Her sister had texted her.

Payton 👯
Have you booked your flight for my wedding yet? Miss you lots ❤️

Paige groaned internally, remembering she hadn't done that yet. She sent a reply to her sister.

Not yet, but I will now. What's the group code for the hotel? Can't wait to see you! 👰🏻

Johnny's eyes fluttered open as Paige clicked and typed away on her laptop. She moved her hand from the mousepad to his hair, her fingers dancing through his hair.

"Hmmm," He hummed, sending vibrations through her body. Johnny kept his head on her chest as he viewed Paige's screen, which was now on a travel website. "What's that for?"

"Procrastinated on getting a plane ticket and hotel room for Payton's wedding." She sighed as she scrolled through flight deals, finally settling on one. "Looks like my paycheck is being spent on this. I mean, it's my fault, I should've booked sooner. Whatever. I'm rambling." She clicked the Book Flight button and typed in all of her information.

Johnny just watched her intently. He looked at her and gulped, "Do you think I could... go with you?"

She gave him a soft smile, "We can talk about this later. Go get ready for your game."

He did as he was told, hopping in the shower, and then putting his suit on. Johnny wore a different suit today; his jacket and pants were black with the faintest plaid print on them. His shirt was white with a microscopic gingham print. His tie, like always, was navy blue.

Johnny and Paige both hopped into Sean's truck, and even stopped by the girls' apartment to grab Amber, who was clad in her Monahan jersey, like usual. She kicked Johnny out of shotgun and proceeded to blast country music on the way to the arena. Sean and Paige groaned in agony, but Johnny and Amber seemed to get down to it. When they all got to the Saddledome, the boys headed to the locker room, while Amber and Paige met up with Vivienne and did their usual rounds around the locker rooms. Vivienne filled the other two in on what happened earlier that day with Sam, and Amber thought it was silly of Sam to be so worried. On the other hand, Paige thought it was adorable that he cared so much.

The game started shortly after, and it didn't start or end too well. The Flames were basically blown out of the water by the Ducks--they lost 7-2. That was it. The season was over for them. With the loss, the Flames were eliminated from the playoffs. It was done. The locker room was tense; it was chaotic, with every journalist wanting to get every player's opinion on being eliminated, but all of the guys were so disappointed that they all gave the same answer--something along the lines of, "I know it's a horrible ending, but there's always next year." Something sad, but still a little bit optimistic.

Johnny walked out of the locker room to see Paige in the usual spot she would stand. He would have to give up that view in a few weeks. It would change to seeing Paige standing in his doorway, watching him pack, so he could leave for New Jersey for the offseason... or something like that. She gave him a soft smile as he approached her, but as he came closer he saw that her eyes revealed nothing but sadness.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

He kissed her forehead, "It's okay. It wasn't the best season. There are still a few more games."

She nodded, "You're right. Now we can talk about going to Napa at the end of April, right?"

Johnny grinned, "Of course."

The two waited for Sean, who was their ride back home, and watched everyone interact with each other. If it was tense in the locker room, it was tense outside as well. When Sean finally exited the locker room and met up with Amber, the two just hugged in silence, before walking over to Johnny and Paige so they could all go home.

Sean dropped Paige and Johnny off, deciding to spend the rest of the night with Amber. Paige and Johnny made the trek up to his apartment, laying in his bed like they did before the game. Paige booked her hotel for the trip, sighing as she looked at the price. "At least I even got a room."

Johnny traced circles on her stomach, "So...?"

"So? You wanna meet my family in person?"

"Of course I do. More than anything. I have frequent flyer miles that I can use for my flight."

"And a fat salary." Paige snorted.

Johnny rolled his eyes, "Anyway, I would love to go with you, Paige."

"I'm just scared you won't like my family. Or they'll drive you away. Or they'll drive you to drink so much wine in Napa that you'll die. Or they'll hate you. Or they'll hate me for choosing you. Or they--"

Johnny blocked her next thought by putting his hand over her mouth, "Nothing is going to go wrong. You worry too much." He lifted his hand.

She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand, "I know. But I guess you're my plus one now. Please don't look better than me."

Johnny laughed and leaned in to kiss her, "Impossible."

All the WaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon