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Paige's phone vibrated in the cupholder as she drove. It was Monday night; Johnny's flight was supposed to land in a few minutes, and Paige was on her way to the airport to pick him up.

He had a great weekend, his respective division winning the 3 on 3 tournament, and getting all the buzz, due to John Scott. Johnny also notched up three points during the tournament, and by the sound of his voice during calls, was very excited and honored to be there.

Paige swiped the screen without looking down, keeping her eyes on the road, "Hello?"

Johnny's voice boomed through her car, "Hi babe, I just landed."

"Good. I'm parking my car right now, I'll see you in like two minutes." Paige hung up the call, parked her car, and went onward to baggage claim. It was going to take everything in her to not attack Johnny when she saw him. All Paige wanted to do was shower him with kisses as he talked about his weekend.

She sat at a bench, scrolling through her phone, until she heard Johnny yell, "Paige!" She raised her head and saw Johnny walking towards her with his arms stretched out. He was wearing a dark gray beanie on his head, along with a Flames team sweatshirt and black sweats. Paige got up and power walked to him, and once they were together she held him like he was the only thing that mattered in the world.

She grinned at him, "I missed you so much," kiss. "Oh, God," kiss. "Wow." kiss. "Tell me everything about your weekend!" She finally pulled apart from him.

He placed his arm around her waist as they waited for his suitcase, "It was great! I really wished you were there, it was so awesome."

Paige grabbed his suitcase from the conveyor belt and set it down next to her, sliding the handle up and rolling it behind her. Johnny's hockey bag was hanging off his arm, and they both walked out to her car together. They put the items in the trunk, and Paige drove Johnny back to his apartment. He wouldn't stop talking throughout the entire ride. The All-Star Game to him was like Disneyland to a nine year old. His eyes lit up every time he talked about it. The kid was still starstruck over every player, when in reality, every player was pretty much starstruck over him as well.

Paige pulled up to his apartment building, parking next to his familiar black SUV and Sean's giant truck.

Johnny got out of the car to get his things, "Hang out with me tonight," he said to Paige right after he hopped out.

She chuckled, "I would if I could, but I have to study all day tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure Sean wants to hang out with you more than I do."

"Yeah, I guess." He leaned in from the doorway to give her a quick kiss. Johnny grabbed his things from the trunk, and Paige drove away once he was finished.


The following morning, Vivienne perused through the art gallery, surveying the different paintings and sculptures. Sam always loved spending time with her, but when it came to art galleries, he didn't understand a thing.

"This one speaks to me." She said, staring at a painting that seemed to be a hodgepodge of weird abstract lines and colors.

Sam nodded, staring at the painting in front of him, "Uh huh." He really didn't understand it. At all. He didn't understand how Vivienne understood it. Maybe it was some weird artsy intuition she naturally had.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to another exhibit, "Come on. This one's gonna be cooler."

Vivienne walked into a room full of vintage sculptures and paintings, a la Renaissance era. She walked around the glass cases carefully, peering into them every once in a while to check out the cool things showcased. She stepped in front of a really old painting of some sort--one of those paintings where they had chubby cheeks with exaggerated facial expressions and oddly drawn bodies. Besides that, it was beautiful. Sam still didn't understand it, but it was beautiful. He sat on a bench as Vivienne stared at this painting in deep thought, and decided to take a photo of her doing what she does best, since she always took photos of him playing hockey.

@sbennett_93: She spends her days looking at art, I spend my days looking at her. Both days well spent. @vivdietrich


Sean made a face at Amber as she scarfed down her poutine.

"What?" She said with her mouth full.

"I just don't get it. You eat so much poutine, I hate poutine." He continued to eat his pizza.

"Yeah, okay, and what do you eat? Toast?" Amber always had the most clever rebuttals. She would never let Sean hear the end of the "Boring Monahan" jokes on Twitter. Amber got a real kick out of them.

Sean rolled his eyes, "Anyway. What else are we gonna do today?"

She took a sip of water, "Well, I have a work party tomorrow night, and I need a dress."

"Who has a party on Tuesday night? Wait, does that mean you can't go to my game?"

"It's the Calgary Sun's anniversary, Sean. And I can't, but Paige will be there, and she can wear my Monahan jersey." She gave him a small smile.

Sean just nodded, "Right." He picked up the bill and paid. They left the restaurant and went dress shopping.

Sean couldn't be any more bored. He felt like Amber was just trying on the same black dresses. He'd nod, say she looked nice, and in return, she'd groan and try on another dress.

They were at their fifth store, Sean sitting down on a bench and scrolling through his phone. Amber had brought in eight more dresses into the fitting room, and the process was getting quite old.

"How do I look?" She came out of the fitting room in a tight black dress that hit right above her knees. The dress had a v-neck and long sleeves. It was simple, gorgeous, and highlighted all of her best assets without being slutty.

Sean was speechless. He just grinned, and she knew it was the dress.

"Am I gonna get to take it off tomorrow night?"

She lightly slapped Sean's shoulder and shushed him, "Yeah, if I don't kill you first."

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