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Johnny swept the floor furiously. His family was coming in today, and this place had to be spotless.

Sean entered the living room and gave him a look, "Dude, why can't you just ask Paige to help you clean?"

Johnny kept sweeping, "She's not my maid. She's at work. And she doesn't know my parents are coming."

Sean crossed his arms, "The first two reasons are fine, but you gotta tell her your family's coming. That's something you tell your girlfriend, especially if you want her to meet them."

Johnny's phone started to ring. It was Paige. He picked up instantly, "Hey!"

"Hi, I just got off work, can I come over?"

"Yeah. I have to talk to you about something too."

Paige's breath hitched, "Okay. Yeah. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Paige was ridden with anxiety. What did they even need to talk about? Things were going so well between them. During her drive, all she could think of were the various ways Johnny could end things with her. She was worried, and she definitely had a right to be. Paige was currently in the best relationship of her life, and she was afraid it was going to end in ten minutes. She pulled up to Johnny's apartment. Time went so slow. The elevator was going so slowly. Walking to Johnny's apartment made her feet feel heavy, like she was walking with cinderblocks attached to her feet. Once she reached his door, she gulped and knocked on the door. Johnny greeted her, noticing she looked tense, "What's wrong? Did you have a bad day?"

She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows, "Are you breaking up with me? Is that why you wanted to talk?"

He couldn't help but let out a laugh. Everything was going extremely well for them, there was no way he would break up with her, "No. God, no. I would never. I just needed to tell you my family's coming, and I really want you to meet them."

Being broken up with would've been an easier way out for Paige. She was now even more nervous about meeting Johnny's family. She gave him a small smile, "Okay."

"Hey, I know you're nervous. But it'll be okay. They'll love you."

She nodded, "Let's get this house clean first though. It's a fucking mess."

"I've been cleaning all day!"

"Yeah, with a blindfold? You're so blessed to have me." Paige grabbed a dusty vacuum from a closet and started tidying the house up. She organized the sports magazines on the coffee table, and went into Johnny's room and even organized all of his dirty clothes in the laundry and made his bed.

Johnny sat on the chair in his room, not wanting to mess up the bed Paige just made, "Man, my mom's gonna be so happy knowing she doesn't have to do my laundry tonight."

Paige laughed, "I hope she likes me."

"She will. And she'll love you for knowing that you cared enough to help me clean today."

Paige sat on his lap and he wrapped her arms around her. He kissed her shoulder. The two separated when someone knocked on the door.

Moment of truth. Johnny unlocked the door and opened it to see his little brother and parents smiling at him. His mom gave him the biggest hug, almost suffocating him. They separated and Johnny grabbed Paige's clammy hand, "Mom, dad, Matt, this is my girlfriend Paige."

Johnny's dad grinned, "Girlfriend? I honestly thought you were just making it up when you mentioned her over Christmas, just so we'd get off your back. Never thought I'd see the day! Nice to meet you, I'm Guy." Instead of shaking her hand, he just went for the hug.

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