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Paige loved being home. She took in every single sight, sound, and feeling. She was home. She had been away for a short amount of time, but to her, she felt as if it was forever. Winters in California weren't something to complain about, either. Paige enjoyed being back in cloudy San Francisco, waking up every single morning to see the Golden Gate Bridge from her window. She enjoyed being back at her favorite coffee shop, being back at her regular sushi place, and being with her friends. It honestly felt like she never left. Paige sat on the kitchen counter, talking to her sister, Payton, who was making breakfast.

"How is Calgary?" She asked, not moving her eyes from the stove.

"You know, it's really great. Amber and Vivienne moved out west. We moved in together. U of Calgary is amazing. It's so beautiful. The Flames are doing well. There's a Tim Horton's on every corner."

Payton, who was a diehard San Jose Sharks fan, scoffed, "Yeah. I saw them a while back at SAP. Completely obliterated us. That small kid on their team is doing so well. What's his name, again?"

Paige felt herself tense up, "Yeah, about that... His name's Johnny. Johnny Gaudreau. We're kind of dating."

Payton's jaw dropped, "You're lying. No way. I thought dating athletes only happened in movies!"

"I'm not lying!" Paige pulled out her phone to FaceTime Johnny.

A grinning Johnny answered the call, "Hey! I didn't expect you to call me this early. It's like 8AM there."

Paige maneuvered the camera around so both her and her sister were visible, "Okay, so I just told Payton about you, and she doesn't believe me!" She rolled her eyes, "So I called you just to prove that you are my boyfriend and that you are real."

Johnny chuckled on the other line, "Yes. I am her boyfriend. I am real."

As Johnny finished his sentence, Paige's parents walked into the room. Paige's very strict parents, who thought she was in Calgary for school (and school only), walked into the room. Her mother cleared her throat, "Boyfriend?"

Paige went white. Johnny had never seen her in so much shock before. She couldn't even hang the call up, because she felt numb. Payton jumped in, "Yeah! Paige is really enjoying Calgary. She is very happy. Right, Johnny?"

Johnny just met this girl, and she's already putting him in weird situations. Oh boy. "Uh, yeah! Of course. I'm sorry we have to meet this way, but I'm Johnny," he said when Payton handed Mrs. Ellis the phone, "It's very nice to meet you though, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. Paige never stops saying good things about you two."

Paige never even talked about them at all. Johnny was a liar. But he was a great liar, since her parents actually adored the kid. Paige let out a sigh of relief and rested her head on her sister's shoulder. She mouthed the words, "Thank you," and Payton patted her head.


Sam, Vivienne, Sean and Amber all flew into Toronto together. They all lived within an hour of each other, which was nice for Sean and Amber, but Sam and Vivienne still weren't on speaking terms. Each of them went to their respective hometowns and spent Christmas with their families. All of them were spending at least a week home, so they had a lot more downtime than they anticipated, or wanted.

Amber was the most miserable of them all. She hated her family. Hated them.

"I'm heading to Vivienne's. I forgot to give her something before Christmas." Amber set off for the door before her mother could even comment on it. She got in her car and started it, pulling out of the driveway and heading somewhere far from home. Amber was going to Sean's house, in Brampton.

She called him and he answered instantly, "Hey, what's up?"

"I hate my family. Please let me see you."

"Okay, yeah. I'll see you in a few, I guess." He texted her his address and she was there in an hour.

Sean opened the door to an exhausted looking Amber, with a frown on her face and her hair in a messy bun. He pulled her in for a hug and invited her inside. Immediately, his dog went up to her excitedly.

"And who is this guy?!" She squatted down to pet his dog.

"Samson. He's a cute one, isn't he?" He smiled.

"Very cute. Cuter than you, even."

Sean rolled his eyes, "Okay, enough. Come on, tell me about your Christmas."

Amber dropped down on the couch, "Horrible. I miss Calgary so much. I hate being home. It sucks. I missed you, and Paige, and Viv, and Johnny, and Sam, and even working."

Sean just pulled her in and let her lean on his chest for a little bit. "We'll be home soon," he kissed the top of her head.

"Not soon enough."


Sam had enough. He was tired of texting Vivienne constantly, and not getting anything back. He decided to take matters into his own hands. He dialed Amber, who picked up, sounding tired, "Hello?"

"Hey. I'm going to Orangeville. Will you let me know where Viv lives, please? I need to see her."

She sighed, "Sam, I don't think it's my place to give it to you."

"Please." He begged her.

"Fine." Amber gave him Vivienne's address and he set off. His hometown wasn't far from Vivienne's, and he arrived around half an hour later.

Vivienne answered the door in an old Leafs sweatshirt, wearing plaid pajama pants, and as always, her glasses. She narrowed her eyebrows when she saw Sam.


"Why?" She crossed her arms and remained in the doorway.

"Can we talk?"

"We can talk here."

The air was frigid, and it was snowing lightly, but Sam took what he could get. He put his hands in pockets, "I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I have to say it, but I'm sorry. God, I'm so fucking in love with you, Vivienne. I want to be with you. What I said was a fit of rage. I was mad I couldn't play hockey, and I was mad at you for... I don't even know why I was mad at you. You were there for me when I was injured. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, so, sorry. If you don't accept this apology it's fine, just know that I'm truly sorry and that I love you."

"I'm not ready to forgive you, Sam. How do I know you won't yell at me again when I ask you about a bad game? How do I know you won't get mad at me for being concerned? I care about you. But I care about myself more, and I will not let you talk to me like that again. You treated me unfairly, goodbye." She slammed the door in his face.

All he could do was take it, and he walked back to his car and drove home.

Vivienne locked the door and sat on the floor. She loved Sam as well, but a part of her just wasn't ready to be with him again. She began to tear up. Vivienne had never met anyone like Sam before. He was kind, caring, and sweet--on a good day. She was just so hung up on this fight. She dialed Amber's number.

Amber picked up and all Vivienne did was cry, "Sam showed up and he told me he loved me and... I'm just not ready. I'm not ready to be with him again. He was so mean to me, and I don't want to deal with it."

"Hey. Listen to me. I love you, and I love Sam, and I respect your decision. But couples get in fights all the time and break up over them. It's okay if you don't want to get back with him, but you were so happy with him, Viv. I've never seen you so happy in your life. Just take some time to think about it, okay?"

Vivienne collected her feelings, "Okay. Yeah. I'm sorry for bothering you. I love you."

"You're never a bother. I love you too."

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