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Carl's POV •

"Keep an eye on Lexa while we're gone." Daryl told me as he scarfed down his breakfast.

He, my dad, and a few others from the group were going on a supply run with Aaron and a couple other Alexandrians.

I nodded and put another forkful of eggs into my mouth.

"What does she like?" I asked Daryl before he walked out the door.

"Reading and singing." He answered then was gone.

"That's easy enough," I mumbled.

I was playing Judith while Carol was cooking in the kitchen. It was almost noon and Lexa still hadn't come down stairs.

"You should go get her for lunch." Carol told me as she prepared the food.

"Why me?"

"Just go get her." Carol sighed.

I put my little sister in her playpen then slowly walked up the stairs. I got to the room she was staying in and knocked. There wasn't an answer so I slowly opened the door.

"Lexa?" I asked into the empty room.

I went from room to room looking for her and she wasn't in a single one.

"She's not here." I rushed out when I went back to the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Carol asked, quickly looking up from feeding Judith.

"She's not in any of the rooms upstairs. Her bags gone and so is her weapon." I told her out of breath.

"We need to find her before Daryl gets back." She said picking up Judith. "I'll look around the town, you go out but stay close to the fence."

I walk to the corner of the compound and look around before climbing up and over the fence. After I was on the other side I started looking for Lexa.

Finally after looking for ever I saw a flash of her blonde hair and the shimmer of her blade. She was currently fighting off a pack of about six walkers and it didn't look like she was winning.

I ran to her aid and as soon as the last walker fell to the ground she didn't even glance at me, she turned and headed the direction away from the camp.

"Where are you going?" I asked catching up to her.

Of course, she didn't answer and I didn't expect her to.

I grabbed onto her elbow and made her stop. She kept her eyes down not once making contact with my own.

"Come on, let's go back." I said. I knew that if she left Daryl would most likely kill me for letting her leave.

She shook her head no.

"Daryl will be back soon." I told her, hoping that would bring her back. "You guys just found each other you can't leave again."

She quickly glanced up then back at the ground.

"Is that why you left, to find Daryl?"

She slowly nodded.

"Come on, he just went on a run." I said.

I grabbed her hand to lead her back to the community but she pulled it away and pulled it to her chest.

"Alright, alright," I said holding my hands up in surrender. "No touching, I get it."

I heard the groans of the dead and said, "We need to get back."

She nodded and led the way back to Alexandria.


Sorry, it's really short and took so long...

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