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It was still dark out. No lights in sight. I could only hear the noise. We were still all together, just walking in the dark. Hopefully it would get light out soon.
We had to slow down to a stop 19 minutes after the escape. Jen and I had what we now call an asthma attack and didn't know what to do. So, we slowed to a stop on what we felt like was grass. It was nice to get to relax for a while.
After about an hour, we got back up and started walking again. I would say it was about 6:00 AM when a dim light came above mountains. It looked so nice. We had nothing else to do, so we sat to watch it for a little. Justin got bored and so did I after about 5 minutes of just sitting there. But we had nothing else to do, so we just sat there.
The light got brighter and brighter until we could see where we were. And we were in an open field filled with thousands of flowers and tiny little pieces of grass. It was relaxing. Jen went to go pick flowers for a little, so the boys and I just watched her.
I was thinking, this is going to be the rest of our lives. Just out here on the open fields and roads. Nobody would ever find us, probably nobody would ever care to look. It was a sad thought indeed, but I thought we could make it if we stayed together.
When the sun got brighter we continued to head out. But then I noticed something strange in Jen. She wasn't walking right. She seemed really pale. But I think she was going to be least I hoped.
We walked up to this gas station, and I immediately regretted it as I ducked the bullet flying right to my face.

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