Entry 4

949 37 2

Sunday, February 17th, 2019

Dear diary,

I don't think my first impression was good on Mark. I messed up on where to glue something. Then while saying sorry I spilled his water bottle on him.

He stared at me like he was pissed.

And he's down stairs freshening up currently. What did I do. Should I kill myself?

Self you already went over this. You poison yourself and cut. You're bound to die one of these days. I wouldn't be surprised if I died before school ends.

It's strange though, having someone in my house while my mum's away.

Tomorrow comes school though, so if I get beaten to death you know what happened and you're first to know.

Cut count:

The broken soul Jack

Septiplier- a knife, a blade and a diaryWhere stories live. Discover now